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flodis79 (Offline)
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Default 15-03-2007, 22:38

Originally Posted by Effendi View Post
Flodis lives in Ireland if he hasn't moved again, I'm sure he can help you, maybe he didn't see this thread. Anyway I fear there are no unlimited plans, nor "big data" as well...
Yep, still here

There are good and bad news re this:

Three just released data packages on their billpay contracts. €5.99 for 100 MB, €9.99 for 250 MB and €19.99 for "unlimited", which means 2 gig..

I have heard some indications on these packages also working over 3Pay, their prepaid card. They problems is you have to buy a phone at the same time you get your SIM; no way to buy SIM-only, which sucks.... Cheapest phone, Sony Ericsson K610i, is €99.. But I guess that's not an option for you.

Also, on these packages, it looks like HTTPS and POP/SMTP is not working. On bill pay HTTPS seems to work, but not POP.. Which adds to the confusion.. And which means that you cannot use apps not transferring data over HTTP, so messengers, Opera Mini, and Gmail java app might not work. I haven't personally tried.

For the other GSM networks, there are unfortunately no bundle packages on prepay. Data is quite expensive here in Ireland, with Meteor charging €0.0048/kb, o2 charging €0.01/kb and Vodafone €0.02/kb (in 10 kb increments).

Feel free to ask me should you have any further queries I'm happy to help!

Last edited by flodis79; 18-03-2007 at 17:41.. Reason: typo: 0.048 should be 0.0048 for meteor
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