Originally Posted by deiraq
Sorry if this is pedantic. Some of the Manx operators advertise as offering UK numbers. But the Isle of Man is not part of the UK!
Of course, it isn't. Not even a part of EU/EEA/NATO, however...
Originally Posted by deiraq
And if the number offered is really a Manx mobile number then it will be expensive to call from a UK mobile.
...both IoM and Channel Islands use 44 country code and calling their phones from not-44 numbers usually costs the same as calling UK numbers

If a Manx SIM is "targeted" to non-UK customers (like NG Travelphone, Telestial Passport or Ekit seem to be US-oriented and globalsim.net is mainly for the Germans

) then (from the point of view of those countries) +44 7624/7924 numbers are just UK mobile numbers...