11-02-2007, 20:39
24 countries and/or territories share country code "1." Country code 1 does not refer to a country but to all numbers covered by the North American Numbering Plan Authority ("NANPA"). The organization was founded in 1947 to provide for direct dial calls between various locations.
A similar, but competing system, was founded by the International Telecommunications Union ("ITU"). Everyone who is not a member of NANPA is a member of ITU (I'm sure that there has got be an exception somewhere, but I haven't heard of it). In order to create a sensible interconnection between ITU and NANPA numbers all NANPA countries were brought in under the Country Code category "1."
As a matter of trivia, Mexico used to be a member of NANPA but pulled out in 1991. Conversely, a number of American South Seas Protectorates have joined NANPA so it is is really broader than North America.
PS: Stop signs in Quebec still say "Arret."