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Przemolog (Offline)
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Default 11-02-2007, 11:41

Originally Posted by MATHA531 View Post
Well certainly do understand the big Europe you travel 20 or 30 km and you are in a different country and while the Schengen agreement has cut down on some of the paperwork at frontiers, they still sometimes do ask for identity cards or passports. The relative magnitudes of the border areas are completely different....a much smaller percentage of Americans live within 160 km. of the Canadian or Mexican borders then Canadians to the US border...
Yes, but it's not only about number of people that live near borders, but also about their fancy shapes, as I have already said. Because of this fact, the fastest/cheapest/easiest routes for domestic trips in Europe involve crossing the territory of another country (e.g. Wien-Salzburg-Innsbruck via Germany). Using those transit routes forces travelling people who want to be in touch to use roaming sick rates or to restrict using their mobile phones to receiving SMS only. OTOH, the US has really "uncomplicated" borders. Even though Alaska is "detached" from mainland USA and the province of Ontario is a Canadia "wedge" how many Americans travel via land routes to Alaska or e.g. from Maine to Minnesota via Canada? Even if there were tens of thousands a day, then what they really needed, would be "US-Canadian" SIMs, not "global" ones....
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