Last week I ordered the cheapest eKit SIM on ebay (£5 + £2 for shipping).
Object: 290078012861.
The card includes a US$20 credit (advertised: £10).
Now, the card only allowes receiving free calls in these countries:
France, Italy, Spain, United Kingdom, Mexico
But, I couldn't resist the free credit, so...
Anyway, not to go off-topic (my topic

I setup forwarding to my Belgian phone, not covered in the free roaming, and guess what, I was NOT charged for receiving the call, NOT charged for setting up the forwarding.
Just nice to know huh?
And it even gets better !
They have some free (or close to free I assume) access-numbers for your relatives left at home. They call the number, enter your eKit number, and get connected to your phone. It even works with the forwarding.
I tried to call the UK 0808-234-number, and my Belgian phone rang.
And no charges