Originally Posted by Gryphone
Well... seeing the address I can't help to think of Playmobil toys. 
You're right

First rumors about the name appeared on TV yesterday about 16:00 - the supposition was Play4 (play4.pl is "occupied" by the company which prepared adverstising campaign for P4 test users).
BTW, I have read opinions that the Play logo looks like an Alpenliebe candy or a lid of a cup of blueberry yoghurt. For me, it looks like a piece of cream-blueberry ice-cream

In the previous thread I didn't say more about acquisition of Germanos dealer network by P4. It turned out (what I hadn't realised of earlier) that Germanos has been bringing about 30% of postpaid and 40% prepaid customers to Era. The loss of so many dealers is a very strong hit for Era.
Accoring the terms of the contract, Era sale activity in Germanos shops will be "extingushed" over next 1 or 2 months.
Unfortunately, I can't say a word about the Play tariffs. Test users have a tariff in "virtual zlotys" which doesn't have to reflect the real one.