Originally Posted by Przemolog
CelTrek service is provided by Global Roaming Inc. who CEO is Florian Seroussi AKA Cizake (ex Yackiemobile man so helpful on this forum) - do you remember the guy  ?:
(Don't ask me why this site is partially in Latin  )
Interesting! Just curious to test them!
PS: do you want the translation from latin? :P It's a 'little bit' strange thing for a TLC website
Vestibulum iaculis lacinia est

Rus orci luctus trices posuere cubilia licitudin velit sed leo. Ut pharetra augue
nec auguem elit agna, endrerit sit amet, tincidunt ac, viverra sed, nulla. Donec porta diam eu massa. Quisque diam lorem, interdum vitae, dapibus ac, scelerisq.