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Przemolog (Offline)
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Default 04-01-2007, 21:46

Originally Posted by PhotoJim View Post
These maritime services have a different network ID and won't work automatically just because you can use your phone in the US.

The rates assuredly will be higher. Even Cingular subscribers pay dollars per minute to use these cell sites.

As to whether United Mobile roams on them or not, I can only speculate.
Basically you're right. GSM-on-Ships roaming services are usually very expensive to use since they include satellite links. However, there were reports that UM roams on TIM GSM-on-Ships service at the same rate as on Italian land. This doesn't have to be true for other services of that type, however. I suppose that since there are no speficified rates for using UM with
GSM-on-Ships roamings, then either they are charged at "land rates" of the service providers or the roaming isn't available at all. Of course, there also may be an "undefined tariff status" as in case of UM roaming in Japan.
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