Originally Posted by Bossman
I also received the link (they reset my password). Cizake had already given me this access anyway. That's how I was able to see the call logs. According to your test you were charged $0.35, but according to their rates shouldn't that have been $0.24?
To change the PW click on "Update User Details" on the right.
I got my login details today too.
but they are quite weird.
Every outgoing call has 2 lines - both start about 2-3 seconds from each other, have different durations and charges.
15/08/2006 04:39:56 Outgoing Call 16127709923 2.10 5:53
15/08/2006 04:40:25 Phone Call 6618770XXX 0.11 5:26
This should be one call to a thai cellphone...
furthermore i bought the card with 99$ airtime, used 33$ according to the bill check -- and have 8.41$ left.
And: the test calls that the technical support made with me while my card did not work for incoming calls and which were reset are back on the list as well. about 10$ of test calls and all billed now.
I sent them a email. Lets see what happens now.
The hotline is still not reachable - but the live chat was on this afternoon and the person i talked to there (the same one as 2 days before) was quite helpful.