KarenM, No. I have not heard from Cizake. I asked another question regarding the posibility of topping up my sim. But, I have not heard anything back. I do not think I will top it up any longer unless the billing issues are ressolved. So, I will probably depend on my UM sim as my primary sim, if all the issue are not ironed before I take a trip next month.
I understand your frustration Karen. I just can't think of how I could have ressolved that billing issue were it not for Cizake. I know nobody has heard anything from him recently. I hope it's just temporary though.
Originally Posted by KarenM
So, Bossman, have you been in contact with Cizake since you tried to help me make contact with him? I never heard word one from him, so went ahead and ordered UM, with $35 priority mail, yesterday. Then signed up for CBW. It's getting very close to the wire--Barry at CBW says it'll take a week from when I get my UM number till he can issue my dedicated 800#.
This whole thing has been such a frustration!
Phones: Xiaomi Mi Mix 2, Samsung Galaxy A50, ASUS zenfone 3,
Sim cards: AT&T (Contract), 3 UK, Piranha Mobile