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Przemolog (Offline)
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Default 08-08-2006, 15:24

Originally Posted by Klaus Wegener
Hi there,

just curious to know: GT-SIM offers free incoming call in ones "home-country". Would be interesting to know if anyone from the freaks here in this forum, living in the U.S., owns a GT-SIM and can confirm, that GT-SIM has really free incoming calls there? I can't believe it... :wacko:

The problem has already been discussed here - of course not.
In each country selected as the "home one in which the rate for incoming calls exceeds 38 cents/min, you have to pay the difference between the incoming rate for that country and 38 cents.

Look here:
"Countries covered with roaming charges" with "IN" rate >0 are those for which you won't have free incoming calls even if you select one as your "home" country...
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