Forum (Archived)

Showing results 1 to 5 of 5 Search: Posts Made By: bluespruce
Forum: France 31-10-2013, 12:36
Replies: 254
Views: 177,786
Posted By bluespruce
Scirocco, the same thing just happened to me. I...

Scirocco, the same thing just happened to me. I bought €20/400 MB of European data roaming that is good for 7 days, and I was planning on using it on vacation in Spain. About six hours after I...
Forum: France 20-09-2013, 16:18
Replies: 254
Views: 177,786
Posted By bluespruce
So after having a less than stellar experience...

So after having a less than stellar experience with Lebara, I've finally given into the Orange empire.

I left this morning for Italy for a week, and I was silly enough to not top up my account or...
Forum: France 06-08-2013, 07:45
Replies: 254
Views: 177,786
Posted By bluespruce
Hold on one second— I don't mean to single anyone...

Hold on one second— I don't mean to single anyone out, but in looking for more information about free incoming calls in this thread, I came across this post by you about a year ago:

Forum: France 06-08-2013, 06:17
Replies: 254
Views: 177,786
Posted By bluespruce
Thank you for that information. I've found that...

Thank you for that information. I've found that it's maddeningly impossible to understand the Orange website. I can read French just fine; it's just that I can't find what I would think to be...
Forum: France 05-08-2013, 11:53
Replies: 254
Views: 177,786
Posted By bluespruce
I will be living in France for four months' time...

I will be living in France for four months' time later this year. Seeing as the Internet Max option is no longer available, I had a few questions about using my unlocked iPhone and Orange:

1) Les...
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