Forum: Europe
24-07-2013, 04:33
Replies: 2
Views: 3,181
Telia Denmark++
In case anyone is looking for 3G in Copenhagen, had a good experience at the Telia store at Copenhagen Central Station, picking up a Telia Talk SIM for 29 DKK and adding a week of data (1G) for 49...
Forum: France
24-07-2013, 02:02
Replies: 254
Views: 177,786
Forum: Germany
11-08-2012, 22:50
Replies: 106
Views: 57,283
This is a really helpful thread. A few details...
This is a really helpful thread. A few details that would be great follow. Thanks in advance for the help.
Anyone with recent experience on how many days after activation the mail from Fonic shows...