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Showing results 1 to 7 of 7 Search: Posts Made By: dr0ss
Forum: Europe 09-08-2012, 22:19
Replies: 609
Views: 343,287
Posted By dr0ss
To (kind of) echo this question, is there any way...

To (kind of) echo this question, is there any way to get this sim in the US? It looks like it might be useful for me for an upcoming trip.
Forum: UK & Ireland 15-07-2009, 08:20
Replies: 37
Views: 24,923
Posted By dr0ss
Normally that would be the CC company that...

Normally that would be the CC company that rejects the transaction. (My US cards are the same way if I use them overseas without giving the company advance warning.) In this case my CC company was...
Forum: UK & Ireland 12-07-2009, 01:34
Replies: 37
Views: 24,923
Posted By dr0ss
It was a UK card (Barclaycard, attached to my UK...

It was a UK card (Barclaycard, attached to my UK bank account), though the address on it is US. I assume they either didn't like the fact that the address wasn't really mine (it is a colleague's),...
Forum: UK & Ireland 02-07-2009, 10:37
Replies: 37
Views: 24,923
Posted By dr0ss
Gripe about Nomi and Lebara

Sorry to revive an oldish thread, but I wanted to vent on the topic. I'll be coming to the UK in a couple of weeks, a colleague lost my still-active UK T-Mo SIM that I'd loaned him, so I need...
Forum: Italy 27-05-2008, 12:46
Replies: 217
Views: 100,104
Posted By dr0ss
I found this my last two trips to Italy, but I...

I found this my last two trips to Italy, but I don't see it on Wind's promotion page, and there's no Auchan near where I will be. Now, if PAM starts offering cheap GSM service, I'm in great shape!
Forum: Italy 27-05-2008, 11:03
Replies: 217
Views: 100,104
Posted By dr0ss
Thanks; this makes sense (I knew my...

Thanks; this makes sense (I knew my interpretation was too optimistic). Since I only need the service through June, only need 2 SIMs, and do not expect to be generating all that much traffic between...
Forum: Italy 27-05-2008, 04:01
Replies: 217
Views: 100,104
Posted By dr0ss
NOI Wind pack?

I'll be in Italy next month with my family; I would like to get SIMs both for my phone and for my son's. I see that Wind has a promo on called the "Noi Wind Pack"...
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