Forum (Archived)

Showing results 1 to 50 of 72 Search: Posts Made By: f300
Forum: Germany 22-09-2017, 16:35
Replies: 6
Views: 12,714
Posted By f300
Yes, this is really ridiculous. You can still buy...

Yes, this is really ridiculous. You can still buy registered cards in all shady places near big train stations, you can order from other countries (heck, you can even buy 100 per-registered GERMAN...
Forum: Spain & Portugal 11-03-2015, 03:37
Replies: 26
Views: 32,386
Posted By f300
Yes, the card was canceled. Maybe for the best,...

Yes, the card was canceled. Maybe for the best, as I don't know when I'll get there next time. Many thanks for the info!
Forum: Spain & Portugal 23-02-2015, 10:12
Replies: 26
Views: 32,386
Posted By f300
Unfortunately Vodafone's site is not coded by the...

Unfortunately Vodafone's site is not coded by the proverbial code monkeys but by what seem to be real monkeys.

Look what it says now about my expiration date (and I was happy they included this...
Forum: Spain & Portugal 08-10-2014, 18:18
Replies: 26
Views: 32,386
Posted By f300
Nice, finally everything I've tried works with...

Nice, finally everything I've tried works with

I used the YU 600 MB+60 minutes plan (9.9x eur), I was thinking to use some higher plan but I used NO minutes (I'm not at all social...
Forum: Spain & Portugal 17-09-2014, 08:30
Replies: 26
Views: 32,386
Posted By f300
Really great hint with the expiration date! Thank...

Really great hint with the expiration date! Thank you, thank you!

Also good to know the unused traffic can be carried to next month (within limits, but still)! I won't use it myself as I don't...
Forum: Spain & Portugal 15-09-2014, 15:19
Replies: 26
Views: 32,386
Posted By f300
Recharging via orange worked like a charm (it...

Recharging via orange worked like a charm (it looks super-dodgy done via a company from singapore or something but hey, it works)! Remember, this is Vodafone SIM.

I'm having trouble deciding what...
Forum: Europe 23-06-2014, 09:12
Replies: 9
Views: 26,817
Posted By f300
Many are tracking you and sell your data in...

Many are tracking you and sell your data in aggregate; sometimes they are even going inside your connection messing with it, (nastily) re-compressing pictures and videos, etc (yes, Vodafone, I'm...
Forum: Off Topic (any other discussion) 16-05-2014, 11:13
Replies: 10
Views: 35,527
Posted By f300
Both paypal and amazon conversions are usually...

Both paypal and amazon conversions are usually worse than 1-1.5% charged by the bank. If you have a card that doesn't have those % for foreign charges (even if is a card from some small online-only...
Forum: Europe 16-05-2014, 10:26
Replies: 7
Views: 7,422
Posted By f300
If we are talking about (which I...

If we are talking about (which I just discovered) maybe somebody should update the title to something like "Orange service that would top-up prepaids from 100+ countries even on many...
Forum: Spain & Portugal 16-05-2014, 09:52
Replies: 26
Views: 32,386
Posted By f300
This looks jar dropingly good!!! Less than...

This looks jar dropingly good!!!

Less than half what I payed last two times and not a "fly-by-night" web site nobody heard anything about. I just can't believe Orange would recharge cards of other...
Forum: Spain & Portugal 15-05-2014, 07:10
Replies: 26
Views: 32,386
Posted By f300
Thanks. I wish I could top up... it doesn't...

I wish I could top up... it doesn't work with any Visa and Mastercard I have, they probably want Spanish ones. This reminds me of the french insisting on french ... AMERICAN express, yea, we...
Forum: Spain & Portugal 13-05-2014, 14:54
Replies: 26
Views: 32,386
Posted By f300
Update: it seems that I might be wrong about...

Update: it seems that I might be wrong about those 6 months after all and the card should be valid 9+1 months (accordingly to recent messages on their forum). Although the only pdf I can find on...
Forum: Spain & Portugal 12-05-2014, 13:07
Replies: 26
Views: 32,386
Posted By f300
Thanks for the answer, I didn't have the phone on...

Thanks for the answer, I didn't have the phone on at the time so I don't know...

What's more, it seems that they went from 9 months expiration time to 6 months + 45 days but there's no way to...
Forum: Spain & Portugal 17-02-2014, 18:46
Replies: 26
Views: 32,386
Posted By f300
I still have this card and recharged not a long...

I still have this card and recharged not a long time ago, anybody knows how to check how long is the card still valid (before it used to be WELL hidden under Mi Vodafone >> Mis Datos now of course...
Forum: Spain & Portugal 15-04-2012, 15:19
Replies: 26
Views: 32,386
Posted By f300
Never say "It can't get any worse.". Fast forward...

Never say "It can't get any worse.". Fast forward more than one month, nothing really changed: older non-existent plans still present on Vodafone's web page while the actual plan is nowhere to be...
Forum: Spain & Portugal 23-03-2012, 14:34
Replies: 26
Views: 32,386
Posted By f300
I'm quite sure this is what I used (based on...

I'm quite sure this is what I used (based on google...) and it was also mentioned that it will be charged.
What's more after I reached zero credit I received the following "offer" from 22417:
Forum: Spain & Portugal 22-03-2012, 20:18
Replies: 26
Views: 32,386
Posted By f300
Vodafone Spain

I didn't get any answer to my question from this thread ( so I took my chances and followed...
Forum: Spain & Portugal 07-03-2012, 15:40
Replies: 4
Views: 5,691
Posted By f300
Resurecting this old thread... I plan to use...

Resurecting this old thread...
I plan to use this "Tarifa Plana de Internet móvil para Tarjeta: unlimited surfing for € 3.50/week (€ 0.50 per day); to activate write TPTarjeta to 22521"
A few...
Forum: UK & Ireland 18-02-2012, 15:48
Replies: 5
Views: 6,575
Posted By f300
Thanks a lot for the answer, first Vodafone shop...

Thanks a lot for the answer, first Vodafone shop wanted 20 euro for the card (10 euro card, 10 euro credit) and I thought 20 euros for what was in the end only half a day around the city was totally...
Forum: UK & Ireland 06-02-2012, 14:13
Replies: 5
Views: 6,575
Posted By f300
Any recent tips/offers? I need data for about a...

Any recent tips/offers? I need data for about a week or so (from a little to a lot, depending what's available) - but I would also like to get the Vodafone Ireland SIM as it was the best some time...
Forum: International GSM prepaid cards 23-01-2012, 13:38
Replies: 11
Views: 9,652
Posted By f300
I agree with "Telekom": if possible (and you said...

I agree with "Telekom": if possible (and you said you already did this) just buy local cards and communicate the number to somebody "home". It is usually the cheapest option by far (especially if you...
Forum: International GSM prepaid cards 03-01-2012, 14:27
Replies: 8
Views: 13,462
Posted By f300
experience with ?

I learned about the site mentioned above from simcardabroad's signature and it looks fine assuming it does at all "what it says on the tin"; the selection of operators while not absolutely optimal is...
Forum: Europe 02-01-2012, 13:01
Replies: 7
Views: 3,298
Posted By f300
Idea is very good but I don't think it can go...

Idea is very good but I don't think it can go very far with cities, there are easily 20 "interesting" cities in each of the "big" EU countries. Only investing in public transport tickets (which also...
Forum: Europe 02-01-2012, 12:34
Replies: 21
Views: 21,943
Posted By f300
Just a word of caution: paypal isn't always...

Just a word of caution: paypal isn't always "international", it might easily mean "US paypal" for example.
More of a problem with the big, "official" shops, I'm sure for example the shop just...
Forum: Germany 16-07-2011, 20:18
Replies: 5
Views: 4,205
Posted By f300
Thanks a lot, it's even better with Fonic if you...

Thanks a lot, it's even better with Fonic if you know somebody with "payback" card. There's a coupon (accessible over payback android app and possibly other means) that gives you 500 points (as good...
Forum: Germany 12-07-2011, 09:20
Replies: 5
Views: 4,205
Posted By f300
Any special offer for data - 1 week August 2011?

I had a bildmobile data SIM and it seems that it died from lack of usage. As I don't want to put more and more money into my collection of SIM cards can somebody recommend some current one-time...
Forum: Germany 23-06-2011, 17:13
Replies: 29
Views: 22,309
Posted By f300
Do you know if you need to top up with at least 5...

Do you know if you need to top up with at least 5 EUR NOW or it's enough if you did it already some time ago and you have a balance of over 5 EUR now (and in fact had for most of the time)?
Forum: Africa, Asia and Pacific 27-02-2011, 15:19
Replies: 10
Views: 7,732
Posted By f300
First hand report: - people were using some...

First hand report:
- people were using some Tata Indicom CDMA dongles with something like 2GB monthly allowance and then speed throttled. Usable, even skype conferences possible.
- managed to...
Forum: UK & Ireland 21-12-2010, 07:39
Replies: 12
Views: 17,032
Posted By f300
Not bad, not bad at all. Vodafone seems to have...

Not bad, not bad at all. Vodafone seems to have (about) the same offer or better in other countries as well (I couldn't verify, they have such a convoluted site I couldn't find the monthly Data...
Forum: Africa, Asia and Pacific 21-12-2010, 07:07
Replies: 10
Views: 7,732
Posted By f300
Thanks for the link, indiamike is full of...

Thanks for the link, indiamike is full of information and a good resource for anybody going there.
This registration crap is getting more and more annoying (also for many countries in Europe). I...
Forum: Africa, Asia and Pacific 13-12-2010, 10:24
Replies: 10
Views: 7,732
Posted By f300
Prepaid data - INDIA (Mumbai) - 2-6 weeks

Hi, I see there are some threads but nothing recent and specific. I have the hardware (I assume there's something available like GSM/EDGE or even UMTS?) but I've heard this registration of the SIMs...
Forum: UK & Ireland 12-12-2010, 13:31
Replies: 12
Views: 17,032
Posted By f300
Now closely related to these boosters: anybody...

Now closely related to these boosters: anybody knows how to keep alive these T-Mobile cards? Was it one billing event (SMS for example) be enough every 6 months?
Forum: Europe 19-07-2010, 20:14
Replies: 11
Views: 19,611
Posted By f300
Friendly advice: try not to give your credit card...

Friendly advice: try not to give your credit card to small shops (or well to anybody) except ATMs (preferably attached to a bank) and maybe cashiers in large supermarkets.
Forum: UK & Ireland 31-05-2010, 16:19
Replies: 27
Views: 24,598
Posted By f300
WARNING! I know you are absolutely perfectly well...

WARNING! I know you are absolutely perfectly well intended but this might be shockingly bad advice and can very easily make you lose access to your money! It depends mostly on what country you use...
Forum: UK & Ireland 31-05-2010, 09:26
Replies: 27
Views: 24,598
Posted By f300
inquisitor (who else...) posted a link not a long...

inquisitor (who else...) posted a link not a long time ago with a site that seems to offer top-ups for LESS than their nominal value!

Cheap Mobile Phone Top Up...
Forum: International GSM prepaid cards 30-05-2010, 12:33
Replies: 8
Views: 6,955
Posted By f300
Taking a look at PaytooMobile - Rates and...

Taking a look at PaytooMobile - Rates and coverage ( I would say you are even MORE expensive than what Sofia calls "wickedly expensive" ($3/Mb). For example 2.5 EUR...
Forum: UK & Ireland 21-05-2010, 20:25
Replies: 12
Views: 17,032
Posted By f300
He, he ... americans spoiled. The same T-mobile...

He, he ... americans spoiled. The same T-mobile UK we're talking about has a special for one month for two pounds (2GB included). Normal price is 15/month (still acceptable and it's prepaid!). Of...
Forum: Europe 21-05-2010, 20:03
Replies: 11
Views: 19,611
Posted By f300
The 2nd link is for handsets (unknown if it works...

The 2nd link is for handsets (unknown if it works with modems). 0.75 EUR = 24h and 75 MB or 3.99 EUR = 30 days and 500 MB. Both have been there for a while and I can confirm it works (you might need...
Forum: UK & Ireland 17-05-2010, 11:31
Replies: 12
Views: 17,032
Posted By f300
Ok, here is my first experience with these...

Ok, here is my first experience with these boosters:

- bought a prepaid "pay per day" data (although it had voice+SMS as well) SIM
- was surprised to find out that there's no roaming at all on...
Forum: UK & Ireland 08-04-2010, 09:09
Replies: 12
Views: 17,032
Posted By f300
This looks very promising for low usage. I see...

This looks very promising for low usage.
I see them stating:

What is "Pay per day customers"? Is it some kind of prepaid? If yes it would be appreciated if somebody could include some short...
Forum: Spain & Portugal 04-03-2010, 07:34
Replies: 113
Views: 125,625
Posted By f300
I wonder who are the geniuses coming with these...

I wonder who are the geniuses coming with these ideas. Last time I've had my internet connection down I called my ISP and the menu for connection problems and support was ending with something like...
Forum: Spain & Portugal 21-02-2010, 15:39
Replies: 113
Views: 125,625
Posted By f300
Oh, sure - I meant 20 EUR SIM card ("package")...

Oh, sure - I meant 20 EUR SIM card ("package") and then use for some days the 3 EUR/day plan until I run out of credit. Good point about minimum consumption, forgot about that. I don't care much...
Forum: Spain & Portugal 19-02-2010, 11:04
Replies: 113
Views: 125,625
Posted By f300
Ok, I was about to order simyo (.es - heading out...

Ok, I was about to order simyo (.es - heading out to Spain next month) now I'll probably go with 20 EUR Yoigo from the Phonehouse. Any other caveats/updates (BTW good job laptopnomad)?
Forum: International GSM prepaid cards 12-02-2010, 09:19
Replies: 211
Views: 60,771
Posted By f300
Paypal terms of service might differ from country...

Paypal terms of service might differ from country to country but from experience I can tell you they don't cover "prepaid credit", only physical goods. Now I don't know exactly how they handle these...
Forum: International GSM prepaid cards 09-02-2010, 08:15
Replies: 211
Views: 60,771
Posted By f300
Sorry for sounding smug but is anyone surprised...

Sorry for sounding smug but is anyone surprised that a company charging $35 to send the SIM cards to EU and paying a staggering $67 for shipping (their statement) is not doing so well?
Forum: International GSM prepaid cards 27-01-2010, 12:06
Replies: 15
Views: 28,423
Posted By f300
I think there is some small print attached. Like...

I think there is some small print attached. Like using only some specific APN with very low speed or services available or something similar.
EU put a cap of max 1EUR/MB (wholesale price, not...
Forum: Germany 06-01-2010, 16:04
Replies: 10
Views: 8,427
Posted By f300
I think German T-Mobile prepaid cards don't...

I think German T-Mobile prepaid cards don't expire anymore (unless unused for years and even so they only "might" cancel it). And AFAIK they don't have great tariffs so there's no real reason to want...
Forum: Europe 05-01-2010, 13:09
Replies: 21
Views: 21,943
Posted By f300
Anybody tried ezetop ? The selection seems to be...

Anybody tried ezetop ? The selection seems to be rather large (frankly too big to be true...) so I'm wandering if it works at all/reliably (then if yes what's the surcharge). Even if there's no...
Forum: Germany 20-11-2009, 16:51
Replies: 5
Views: 4,575
Posted By f300
I think it's interesting that because of roaming...

I think it's interesting that because of roaming charges cap it would cost you at most (around) 50 eurocents to call from roaming (within EU) to any phone (within EU). So basically roaming was 3...
Forum: Spain & Portugal 20-11-2009, 16:29
Replies: 10
Views: 9,077
Posted By f300
This "ID requiered" nonsense was in Germany since...

This "ID requiered" nonsense was in Germany since before 9/11. Of course you can buy perfectly working SIMs near any big large train station (you know the kind of shops, those that advertise cheap...
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