Forum (Archived)

Showing results 1 to 8 of 8 Search: Posts Made By: hwa
Forum: International GSM prepaid cards 16-01-2014, 17:53
Replies: 157
Views: 69,554
Posted By hwa
Thank you both. I appreciate your opinions,...

Thank you both. I appreciate your opinions, recommendations and information.
Forum: International GSM prepaid cards 15-01-2014, 19:03
Replies: 157
Views: 69,554
Posted By hwa
I have and plan to use an iPhone4. Although it...

I have and plan to use an iPhone4. Although it doesn't seem to support seamless callback all providers give you the USSD to use to make a call. It's a pain but something I can live with. Maybe...
Forum: International GSM prepaid cards 15-01-2014, 17:55
Replies: 157
Views: 69,554
Posted By hwa
Thanks DRNewcomb. Telna is my 2nd choice, as...

Thanks DRNewcomb. Telna is my 2nd choice, as mentioned in post 135 above. Rates are a little higher and they have the $19 annual fee. My cash outlay on a prepaid balance would never be more then $19,...
Forum: International GSM prepaid cards 15-01-2014, 17:15
Replies: 157
Views: 69,554
Posted By hwa
Thanks for your thoughts MBK. Now, if I'm really...

Thanks for your thoughts MBK. Now, if I'm really serious about roaming I'd get a sat phone. But I'm looking for a compromise that is easy for me, easy for the caller, and doesn't break the bank. I'm...
Forum: International GSM prepaid cards 15-01-2014, 16:14
Replies: 157
Views: 69,554
Posted By hwa
Thank you for your recommendations fsotirop. I...

Thank you for your recommendations fsotirop. I have been going back and forth between what would be a good compromise of ease of use and rates. Right now I'm leaning heavily towards Piranha. They...
Forum: International GSM prepaid cards 14-01-2014, 19:18
Replies: 157
Views: 69,554
Posted By hwa
Thumbs up Thanks! :)

Thanks! :)
Forum: International GSM prepaid cards 14-01-2014, 16:26
Replies: 157
Views: 69,554
Posted By hwa
Question Airbalticcard

In post #15 (page 2) fsotirop mentions that the airbalticcard offers a UK number, but I can't seem to find any information to that effect on their website. Can someone point me to the relevant...
Forum: International GSM prepaid cards 13-01-2014, 19:02
Replies: 157
Views: 69,554
Posted By hwa
Question Airbalticcard

In post 15 ( fsotirop writes that airbalticcard offers a UK number. On the airbalticcard website I don't see anything that mentions...
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