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rfranzq 20-01-2016 21:20

Information of interest to people using California area codes.
Information about a tax/fee that might apply to you.

The cellular companies in California conspired with their trade association
to increase rates in California by sticking a surcharge on customers that had
previously been paid by the cellular companies.

It is called the MTS-----Mobile Telephone Surcharge.
It came into effect 1/1/2016.

More information on the topic than anyone will want to know:

It will be interesting to see if and how small non-California MVNOs will handle or notice this.
Also, international SIM cards with California phone numbers?

To be seen.

dg7feq 21-01-2016 11:58

I would say nothing changes because i am not buying any services in california.

"California law requires all sellers of prepaid wireless service to collect certain taxes, fees and mandatory surcharges from prepaid consumers at the time of purchase"

snidely 23-01-2016 20:32

This is a non-issue. We in California have always had these fees and taxes added to our bill. What this does is get the low end users who are on prepaid plans to also pay these charges. While prepaid services were always offered overseas, the mainline carriers in the US did not introduce prepaid until years after cellular came into existence.

rfranzq 24-01-2016 10:10


Originally Posted by snidely (Post 48389)
This is a non-issue. We in California have always had these fees and taxes added to our bill. What this does is get the low end users who are on prepaid plans to also pay these charges. While prepaid services were always offered overseas, the mainline carriers in the US did not introduce prepaid until years after cellular came into existence.

Actually, the cell companies did pay the taxes before but now they have shifted the costs to the buyer and they thus are making more money by keeping the amount they are no longer paying.

rfranzq 02-09-2016 23:03

Using Callingmart avoids these charges.

jenn 11-09-2016 15:06

Interesting. o.O

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