On smartphone, can I separately route phone & internet traffic?
So far, for making cellular calls I'd been using a simple Nokia Handy (not a smartphone), with a SIM that uses the Wirmobil Prepaid 3 plan (eplus net). On that plan, I can make calls and send SMS as long as there is a balance in my account, and I'm not confined to monthly accounting intervals. On that plan, transmission of GPRS data packets (e.g. Internet browsing) would be charged at 24c/MB.
For internet browsing from my laptop and tablets I'd like to continue to use their WiFi connection to a Huawei e585 3G modem outfitted with an Aldi SIM card for which I'm always booking the Aldi internet flatrate XL (5 GB fast access, used within one month).
I've now ordered a SONY Xperia 2M smartphone which I want to use: a) for making phone calls and SMS on my old Wirmobil (eplus) plan and phone number, and b) for heavy Internet surfing using a WiFi connection to the 3G modem, just as I do it with laptop and tablets.
If I put the Wirmobil SIM card in the smartphone's microSIM slot and go on the Internet, would I then be charged at the Wirmobil Prepaid 3 plan's rate for data packet transfer of 24c/MB? Is there a way I can set up the smartphone to route all phone and SMS traffic through the direct 3G connection supported by the Wirmobil/eplus SIM and all Internet data traffic through the WiFi => 3G connection supported by the Huawei 3G modem with its Aldi SIM?