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international 28-05-2015 06:17

How to have your non-geographic number in Europe? (Ex. the Netherlands)
See example:

I am not interested in the PO Box part, only the number part. The example given is the Netherlands, but I guess it works the same way across all Europe. Hopefully. Googling for non-geographic number + country I can find ugly designed websites (most VOIP sites are designed ugly) which sells me a virtual number in a handful of countries for around $5 a month. The question is, how do they do it?

dg7feq 28-05-2015 09:32

have a look at mydivert:
i dont know how expensive it is to call 085 numbers from Netherlands, sometimes a international number is even cheaper to reach than these virtual numbers...
for real geographical number in NL you need a local adress.

peterdoo 28-05-2015 10:54

If it is only for a limited number of persons that will be calling and their numbers are known, gives local geographical numbers.

international 28-05-2015 11:00

Thank for the update peterdoo,

As I just wanted to react to dg7feq's confusing post. dg7feq, you sent a link about how much a 85 number cost in the Netherlands and telling you need a local address for an Amsterdam number. But the very same link sells you the Amsterdam number for the same price (EUR4.5)

And the dude on my link both offers you his PO box AND - not his, but a separate - Amsterdam number for USD5 only. EUR4.5 > USD5, esp. if we add the PO box to the mix. And that on Fiverr sellers get only USD4 out of the USD5 price.

international 28-05-2015 11:08


Originally Posted by peterdoo (Post 47887)
If it is only for a limited number of persons that will be calling and their numbers are known, gives local geographical numbers.

OK. I am either not sure what do you mean, or maybe you mean Rebtel's public call-in numbers listed on its home page? (Which is something entirely different from what I am looking for)

A link would help.

dg7feq 28-05-2015 13:06

you did get me wrong.
if you register a geographical number you need to show that you have a resident adress in netherlands.
the non geographical numbers you can order also from abroad.
BUT: if you want a local presence in netherlands you should find out first how much people need to pay to call the non geographical number.

In germany there is a non geographical number 032 which can be registered by anybody, but it is expensive to call this number. So people will not be happy if you only offer such a number as a point of contact.

bourbonkiller 28-05-2015 17:03

I don't know where you stay, but have you thought about a simcard? It will give you a Netherlands mobile number whith free incoming calls in certain countries.

Other option could be with prianhasim. You can have a Netherlands number that diverts to your prianha account and you can use it also via VoIP for incoming and outgoing calls. For Piranha SIM I don't know how much a local number will be, I have a international iNUM that diverts to prianha, this cost's 50 Pence a month and is free to call from almost every VoIP provider around the world...


peterdoo 28-05-2015 22:21


Originally Posted by international (Post 47890)
I am either not sure what do you mean, or maybe you mean Rebtel's public call-in numbers listed on its home page?

When you enter the list of your contacts in Rebtel, they configure one of their local numbers (similar to the public dial-in number, but not the same) to be forwarded to your number when one of those callers calls it. They tell you which local number your contacts have to call. The callers do not get any message as on the public dial-in number, but a normal ringing tone when they call that number. when someone else, not in the list, calls that number, they gat a busy tone or an anouncement that the number does not exist.

It only works for the callers whose numbers you enter in Rebtel. So perfect for family, friends or steady business partners. But not suitable when you want anybody to be able to call you on that number.

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