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yoyogam 25-04-2006 19:50

There is a new toy on the market that opens a whole set of new oportunities for callback, call forward, SMS and more. I think those of you who love finding and testing new ways for for saving on roaming (or just make it more complex) would love the idea.


A short review is available on

I am going to get one for testing next week and will try and post my comments here.

moua 02-05-2006 01:54

This box sounds very interesting.

Even if i don't plan to use roaming, i have on my landline unlimited call to landline (on many developed county).
And i have a near unlimited calls to my home (same bill for my GSM).

So, calling this box (at home) would be free, and then call any landline would be free :)

There are many others great combinaisons.

It seems like an asterisk@home box with PSTN and GSM interface.

Does it support SIP ?
Does it support skype without computer ?

i want one of them :)
(or a GSM interface for my open-wrt router)

Stu 03-05-2006 08:14

I've been looking for a cheap GSM device which I could use to interface with my computer, voip. This sounds interesting. It would be even more interesting if they develop a SIP driver.

VladS 03-05-2006 11:53


Originally Posted by Stu
I've been looking for a cheap GSM device which I could use to interface with my computer, voip. This sounds interesting. It would be even more interesting if they develop a SIP driver.

Why not go with a Dock-n-Talk with an appropriate cable for your cell phone connected to a Sipura SPA-3000?

I've got about 10 pairs setup in various places in the world and they work great together (the last one in Germany to take advantage of the unlimited e-plus to e-plus plans).

Stu 01-06-2006 05:56

I might go with dock n'talk. I'm in a small apartment in Dubai and I'm trying to reduce the number of little black boxes that appear out of nowhere in places that I live. I think Scotty must beam them down.

The dockn' talk solution means a cellphone (presumably powered by Dock N' Talk) tethered to a Dock N' Talk (which probably has a power transformer attached to it), connected to an ATA (connected to another transformer). Hopefully everything is 230 volts so that I don't need to add yet another step down transformer to the mix.


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