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omani 15-03-2012 12:35

Croatia-Italy -Spain PrePaid SIM Card (V.important)
Dear All

I will visit three country on this month

1- Croatia
2- Italy
3- Spain

And i will stay 30 day in each country So, I want to buy Prepaid SIM Card including cheaper SMS , Call & Internet .

please answer & advice the following questions

1- There are any Prepaid SIM Card I can used it on three countries together ?
Or i need buy the SIM Card Separate?

2- what is the best telecom company in Croatia to buy SIM Card with internet Package ? how much price?
3- what is the best telecom company in Italy to buy SIM Card with internet Package?
4- what is the best telecom company in Spain to buy SIM Card with internet Package?

with Regards,

fsotirop 15-03-2012 23:23

better buy local sim cards from each country.

omani 16-03-2012 09:34

thanks fsotirop


2- what is the best telecom company in Croatia to buy SIM Card with internet Package ? how much price?
3- what is the best telecom company in Italy to buy SIM Card with internet Package?
4- what is the best telecom company in Spain to buy SIM Card with internet Package?


norbi 16-03-2012 14:59

Hi, in Croatia i use bonbon sim card Croatia - prices&packages

Effendi 16-03-2012 17:36



PrePaidGSM: Croatia

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