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guest3000 11-11-2011 10:37

Portugal !!
anyone can tell me what is the best network in Portugal ? i wanna buy some prepaids and i wanna active it outside pt? what network works ?

Globetrotter 15-11-2011 16:35

The only one i was able to active outside Portugal was Vodafone, only a few month ago.

guest3000 16-11-2011 10:12

so u tested vodafone and work? roaming services are automated ? i live in uk.

Globetrotter 16-11-2011 15:27

positive. but i live in germany and didnt test data services, only voice and text

guest3000 20-11-2011 11:48

thanks! i want to but pt sims but i will make first call from uk ... so i will try to get only vodafone .

Globetrotter 22-11-2011 17:23

Another question:
I need to recharge my TMN Portugal and it seems to be impossible to do so without a Portugiese credit card/bank account. I would be very happy if someone could buy a recharge voucher for me. Please send me a PM if you might be able to help me.

ari3l 29-12-2011 22:42

UZO works outside PT too..

guest3000 02-10-2012 10:40

still interested to buy portugal sim cards vodafone.

sperial 07-12-2013 10:44

It is about time to update the Portugal operators page on this site.
I have just returned from a few days in Lisbon. A 4G TMN SIM card cost me EUR 2.5 (with EUR 2.5 credit), and I added an EUR 5 top up. The next day I received an SMS that informed me that I can use 150 MB data for 1 month. Air time is EUR 0.155 per min and EUR 0.105 SMS. As far as I understand there is also an EUR 1/2days fee.

mari121 10-01-2015 08:16

vodafone, MEO and NOS are some available options.

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