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rodric 05-10-2011 22:05

Anyway to suspend service on Tchibo Datastick?
Hi all, I recently bought a Tchibo datastick in Frankfurt and it came with a free month. I had planned to be back later this month and bought an extra months credit. Is there anyway to suspend service and save the credit for when I actually return? Thanks in advance.

inquisitor 06-10-2011 08:29

Depending on which data tariff you have subscribed to, you need to send a text with "STOP DATENFLAT2" for the Internet Pack L (500MB) or "STOP DATENFLAT" for the Internet Pack XL (5GB) to 7777.
If your remaining balance is lower than the cost of extending your data option for another month your subscription to whichever data option will be cancelled automatically.
Additional information is available at Germany - Tchibo - Prepaid Wireless Internet Access

rodric 06-10-2011 13:52

Thank you for your insight! After sending the text it turns out I was still coasting on my free month and had not ordered the service so it won't let me cancel something I have not ordered. It appears the credit I have won;t be automatically used next month.

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