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twitch1979 21-07-2011 07:40

Lowest initial credit or top up available ?
Hi All

Some great reading on this site but this is my first post.

I am going to be in Germany for 4 days and need a pre paid sim almost exclusively to receive calls and at worst I might need to make the odd text so looking for the lowest top up available.

I am visiting a friend so can ask him to register on Netzclub. Does Netzclub allow you to use the free data without topping up anything ? That would work perfect for me as if I needed to send a text I could do it via mobile data.

Otherwise I have seen you can get a free Lebera mobile sim, does anyone know what the minimum top up is?

I know I can go into Reisebuero or several other shops and get a 10 euro starter pack from other networks but trying to avoid this if possible as there is a chance I won’t make any calls, just receive them.

Any help would be great.

Many thanks

dg7feq 21-07-2011 08:02

ask your friend in germany to order you a "o2 Freikarte". O2 is shipping free SIM cards with 1 Euro initial credit. So you will not need to topup: o2 Freikarte - Kostenlos bestellen


twitch1979 21-07-2011 11:56


Originally Posted by dg7feq (Post 37383)
ask your friend in germany to order you a "o2 Freikarte". O2 is shipping free SIM cards with 1 Euro initial credit. So you will not need to topup: o2 Freikarte - Kostenlos bestellen


Hi Chris

Thanks for the tip!

Do you know it Netzclub lets you use the free 200meg mobile data with no top up?

twitch1979 21-07-2011 13:00

Hi Chris

Do you know if Netzclub lets you use the free 200meg data without topping up anything?

dg7feq 21-07-2011 13:52

yes, netzclub cards dont need to be topped up to work.
I have a zero cent card for many months already in my android phone

babble 21-07-2011 14:51

Old 200 MB tariff no longer available
The old 200 MB advert-sponsored tariff is no longer available to new members of Netzclub. This tariff has now been replaced by the 100 MB "Sponsored Surf - Basic" tariff, which has different conditions:

After the initial data allowance of 100 MB of the new "Sponsored Surf - Basic" tariff has been used, the data transfer rate is throttled to 32 kBit/s for the remainder of the month. Calls cost 9c/min to all german networks. Each SMS costs 9c to german networks; 19c to foreign networks.

inquisitor 21-07-2011 15:16

babble is right. New customers will only get 100MB/month, but can upgrade to the "Sponsored Surf – Pro"-option for € 5/month, which includes 300MB of unthrottled data.

babble 21-07-2011 15:38

Monthly, Free Data Allowance: 100+ MB
The monthly, free data allowance is actually more than 100 MB. For new members, the first 100 MB is provided at "high mobile data-transfer rates"; afterwards an (unspecified/unlimited?) amount of additional data transfer is provided at 32 kBit/s for the remainder of the month.

Ab einer Datennutzung von über 100 MB pro Abrechnungsmonat steht nur noch eine Bandbreite von 32 kBit/s zur Verfügung.

twitch1979 23-07-2011 03:12

I tried to sign up to Netzclub but didn't have a German bank account.

So I ordered a o2 sim and also a Lebera sim.

After ordering the Lebera sim I got an email saying I would get 2 euro credit when activating. I should also get 1 euro on the o2 sim.

This should cover my requirements while I am in Germany.

Thanks for everyone's helps.

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