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OctTheDot 04-07-2011 10:56

Need help selecting the best prepaid plan

I'm traveling to Italy for a few days soon and I need advice on which prepaid plan I should get. I use data more than voice (but I do need some voice) and I need something that either has a really low cost/kb, or something that provides a flat rate/day or month. In addition I understand that Italy offers free incoming calls, so I need something that provides that as well.

I've tried looking online at some of the larger providers, but I don't understand Italian so it's hard to understand what they offer and at what price.

If any of you could point me in the right direction via url or whatever. I'd be really appreciative.

Sorry to sound so helpless, but I've been reading the posts on the forums and it seems like there are a lot more knowledgable people browsing the threads than I.

Thanks in advance,


Effendi 05-07-2011 16:51

This website is all in English and it's full of information about Italian offers...

BTW everywhere in Europe you don't pay for incoming calls, no worry.

Iceburnmarko 15-07-2011 03:59

Think i know what u saying ie in Europe unlike America / Canada you don't pay for incoming calls but just in case, you not saying that if i use my wind card in uk / France my family / friends living in Italy can call my Italian number and I can answer with no charge?

flychr 16-07-2011 14:37


you not saying that if i use my wind card in uk / France my family / friends living in Italy can call my Italian number and I can answer with no charge?
if you use italy wind card ind another contry than Italy you will normaly pay for recieving calls!

Effendi 19-07-2011 13:14

You always pay international roaming (incoming & outgoing calls), except with some offers (such as 3 Like Home by 3).

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