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dg7feq 06-05-2011 13:01

New voice and data roaming options for eplus-based prepaid SIM cards
Starting with June 1 there will be new roaming options for eplus-network based prepaid-SIM cards such as Simyo, Blau, Base, MyMTVMobile...

For 4,99 Euro you can get 50 minutes of in- and outgoing minutes or 50 MB of data.
Each option is valid for 7 days. After the 7 days you can book the option again or get charged at normal rates.

Details how to order and activate are not yet known.


kuba.g 06-05-2011 14:16

Now that is great news! Very interesting for me.

For data it pretty much beats everything we got in here so far:

I assume it will be available for all EU-countries, just like their €0,49/MB offer is right now.

Thanks for sharing!

kuba.g 01-06-2011 11:22

And here it is: Einfach günstig - Tarifoptionen im Ausland nutzen

Major drawback is the 100kB billing for data (and 60/60 billing for calls)

I haven't found anything on MedionMobile's website, I hope they will be participating as well!

dg7feq 02-06-2011 17:35


Originally Posted by kuba.g (Post 36831)
And here it is: Einfach günstig - Tarifoptionen im Ausland nutzen

Major drawback is the 100kB billing for data (and 60/60 billing for calls)

that is unfortunately standard in germany :(

kuba.g 02-06-2011 21:50

Do you have any information on whether MEDIONmobile (being a discounter operator of E-Plus) will also offer this roaming package? I was silently hoping for it... :P

dg7feq 03-06-2011 20:56


Originally Posted by kuba.g (Post 36851)
Do you have any information on whether MEDIONmobile (being a discounter operator of E-Plus) will also offer this roaming package? I was silently hoping for it... :P

until now they did not announce it. lets see if they will react before the summer holidays where most roaming occurs...

kuba.g 09-08-2011 00:30

And so here it is, 10MB better than the rest :)

ALDI TALK - EU Internet-Paket 60

simcardabroad 04-09-2011 20:00

What happens after the 50MB is used?

inquisitor 04-09-2011 20:18

After consuming those 50MB the data connection is being interrupted and you may order another 50MB-pack by calling 1155 (within Germany) or 11551 (abroad) toll-free.

dg7feq 05-09-2011 10:24

I tried to use the option in greece, it didnt work out. Reason: the 11551 hotline was not reachable from WIND GR (the only provider that allowes to register), also tried with the official international version +4917711551
and the web-login on the phone always told me they are in maintenance and i should use the 11551 instead...
So i used the standard rate of 49ct/MB as i didnt plan to use a lot of data anyway so was not worth searching for a greek card...


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