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eddie_gb 04-04-2011 19:21

Still no ID required for Austria Yesss @ Hofer?
I'm planning a visit to Austria soon (I live in the UK) - I just wondered is it still the case that you can buy a Yesss! Prepaid internet data SIM at any Hofer without any ID? And just pop it in an unlocked device to use without activation?

If not I wondered whether any German SIM plans have reasonable data roaming charges when used in Austria (I have contacts in Germany)?

Thanks! :)

razfaz 05-04-2011 00:30


Originally Posted by eddie_gb (Post 36316)
Prepaid internet data SIM at any Hofer without any ID? And just pop it in an unlocked device to use without activation?

Yes, this still works, tested in March.


Originally Posted by eddie_gb (Post 36316)
If not I wondered whether any German SIM plans have reasonable data roaming charges when used in Austria (I have contacts in Germany)?

The cheapest rates start at about 49ct/mb, check their sites on the internet.

eddie_gb 05-04-2011 10:43

Wonderful, thank you very much for your reply.

kuba.g 05-04-2011 12:53


Originally Posted by eddie_gb (Post 36316)
If not I wondered whether any German SIM plans have reasonable data roaming charges when used in Austria (I have contacts in Germany)?

German Simyo and MedionMobile both offer €0,49/MB for roaming in UE-contries.
There is also abroadband which offers €0,59/MB in a very large number of countries around the world.

9eor9 29-05-2012 22:31 has the same rate of 0,49€/MB for roaming in the EU, i think with 10kB increments. In Germany Blau uses the E-Plus network which is not the best, but for data in EU-countries it's fine. They also offer EU data packs (1 week/5€/50MB) Recently they changed their "EU-list". Now Switzerland is not included any more and costs now 2,49€MB.

toofrequentflyer 31-05-2012 19:16

Just to confirm, in late April I bought two Yesss SIMs (one phone SIM and one data SIM) from a Hofer store and they did not ask for ID. It was obvious that I was not Austrian...

This is not a guarantee as my experience is that such policies may not be consistent from one store to another. But at Hofer they were just sold by the lady at the checkout till, not some special office, and she didn't seem to have any concern other than trying to understand my half-remembered German. :)

9eor9 31-05-2012 19:41

Yes, in Austria they never ask for ID, address, Name etc.. Just buy and use.
I'm very often in Austria and bought there already maybe 20 prepaid SIMs for me, friends etc. No silly issues there!!!

BTW on the (or at least on some) ASFINAG Raststätten (parking, toilets etc.) along the highways they now offer free WIFI.

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