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lizzie1955 28-08-2010 22:41

Help Setting Up Nokia E71 with Fonic for Data
Inquisitor, I hope you are out there! I now have my Nokia E71 and a Fonic SIM card. What do I need to do re: entering the necessary settings so that I can access interenet and e-mail. When I went into settings to connection to packet data it said in the box under Access Point. So confused! Help. Thanks, Lizzie

90180360 28-08-2010 23:17


lizzie1955 28-08-2010 23:19

I did that. Is there anything else I need to do?

90180360 28-08-2010 23:22



inquisitor 28-08-2010 23:35

Actually with Fonic data works no matter what APN you have entered - just make sure there is an APN configured. O2 Germany have made their network last year to connect in any case so you could leave "" as APN or enter "MickeyMouse" or some expletive.
Except for a random APN you don't need to configure anything else on your Nokia E71 in order to get online.
But be aware, that with a regular Fonic SIM (in contrast to a data SIM, that comes with their 3g stick) data is billed by the volume transfered with € 0.24/MB (in 100KB-increments). If you prefer the dayflat, which gives unlimited data for € 2.50/calendar day send a text containing "START TAGESFLAT" to 36642. Probably you will be asked by SMS to confirm this change by answering "JA" to 36642. Also note, that the dayflat is billed by calendar day and NOT by 24 hours - e.g. if you start using data at 11:59 pm you will be charged € 2.50 allthough the day ends in one minute and so does the dayflat.

lizzie1955 28-08-2010 23:59

I am going to activate the daily flat rate or monthly flat rate but assumed I needed to wait until I get to Germany to do so. True?

inquisitor 29-08-2010 01:03

You could send that SMS even from abroad if your phone is registered on some (roaming) network.
Actually there's no monthly flatrate with Fonic. They just stop charging for the dayflat as soon as you have had 10 dayflats within a month. Practically that's like a monthly flatrate, but in fact you just use dayflats.

lizzie1955 29-08-2010 14:34

Inquisitor, This is the monthly data plan that I though existed for Fonic. Am I not translating properly? Thanks, Lizzie

AUF WUNSCH: Handy-Internet-Paket
Ideal für Smartphone-Nutzer
UMTS / HSDPA Datenflatrate
Voraussetzung: Sie besitzen bereits eine aktivierte FONIC SIM-Karte

(Alle Preise inkl. MwSt. und Versand)
Monatliche Kosten
9,95 €
ab Aktivierungstag
kostenlose SMS
(Drosselung auf GPRS ab 200MB/Kalendermonat)

inquisitor 29-08-2010 14:48

You are right. This is a flatrate, allthough speed is throttled after reaching 200MB of data volume (which is rather unlikely by mere handset use) and it is officially limited to handset-use (which is not enforced afaik).
To activate this flatrate send a text with "START HANDYINTERNET" to 36642.
If you have already switched to the dayflat, you need to disable the dayflat before you can activate the "Handy-Internet-Paket" by sending "STOP TAGESFLAT" to 36642.
Remember that after each of these text messages Fonic will ask you to confirm the activation/deactivation by sending a "JA" to 36642.

lizzie1955 29-08-2010 16:57

I'm only going to be in Germany for 4 days this trip so 200MB on a handset should do it for me. Than you again for all of your help!

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