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Confusedone 24-08-2010 18:09

Aldi prepaid sim Germany
Hello everyone. I'm in Germany currently and I'm having a little trouble with the aldi sim I bought.

I registered as a new customer on the median mobile site. I put down my hotel name as the address and put down the sim number and mobile phone number. I was then taken to a page where it told me my customer number and order number. It said something about waiting six hours and it had 2 links. No idea what they meant. My german is really appalling. I'm just wondering if my sim is registered now? I'm sure I've done something wrong I've not had chance to check it yet.

I've had no email and I thought it would ask me what tariff I would like to go on. Has anyone here got any clue about the registration process? I'll try the sim later but I thought I'd ask now. Just found a free wireless access point!


inquisitor 24-08-2010 19:48

Since Aldi offers just one single tariff, there's no choice during registration process.

I don't know their registration process, but if your SIM can register on the network and place or receive calls, it should be activated properly.

myblogtrainer 14-09-2010 18:24

i'm using the Fonic prepaid stick in Germany... it's the best deal. Aldi is too slowly and tricking with the money.

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