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italos 19-07-2010 07:48

Prepaid 3G coverage in greece.
Hi I need prepaid 3G coverage in greece for August/September. The Area I living in is Amaliada (Amalias) in the Peloponeese.

Which is the best carrier to use for coverage in that area?

I have this response from Voda GR

Unfortunately, there is a poor HSDPA network coverage in the area of Amaliada

Kind regards,
Business Vodafone

I am staying at my inlaws residence so can provide a fixed address if need be for the service... I also do not have a 3G modem....

Any advice appreciated!!

schoen 19-07-2010 15:13


Originally Posted by italos (Post 33313)
Hi I need prepaid 3G coverage in greece for August/September. The Area I living in is Amaliada (Amalias) in the Peloponeese.

Which is the best carrier to use for coverage in that area?

I have this response from Voda GR

Unfortunately, there is a poor HSDPA network coverage in the area of Amaliada

Kind regards,
Business Vodafone

I am staying at my inlaws residence so can provide a fixed address if need be for the service... I also do not have a 3G modem....

Any advice appreciated!!

last year I was also there nearby but my expierence was that wind works well because they have at least EDGE.
Regards schoen

italos 20-07-2010 05:36

ok great. Sounds like Wind is the best for coverage..

Do they have a package that includes a modem or do I need to buy one?

If so which USB modem should I purchase?

This is the only plan suitable for me that I can find?


>Free hrs per Month Monthly Fee RA Cost per hr
>ADSM Clock 100 100 hrs 30 € 2 €

and how do I get access to this deal

>Unique summer offer from WIND Mobile Broadband: Mobile Broadband Internet only 10 € a month, forever!

italos 21-07-2010 05:09

looks like cosmote may be the better option for coverage?

Dear Sir,

We would like to thank you, for communicating with the Mobile Telephony Company COSMOTE, through INTERNET.

Concerning your question, we would like to inform you that at the present time the area of Amaliada in Peloponnisos is covered by GPRS and 3G network At this point, we would like to assure you that a growing number of areas are constantly being added to the 3G network.

For any further information, do not hesitate to contact us.

Yours sincerely,

Nikiforou xxxx
Cosmote Customer Care Dpt.

Evan 27-07-2010 12:21

I would suggest not to rely completely on their answers regarding the 3G coverage. I sent the same request in all three companies, a couple of months ago regarding 4 locations in Greece. For 2 of the 4 locations, all three operators replied that there's no 3G coverage, and I had 3/5 to 5/5 3G signal with all three operators!

The best way to be sure is first to check for yourself if there's a good 3G coverage on your location and then to buy a prepaid card/plan from the operator that has the best signal. 3G signal is a wild beast and it can change a lot given the geomorphology of Greece.

Also, to my experience and that of many others, Vodafone provides absolutely the fastest 3G speed and latency (usually 2-7Mbps), then is Wind with (1-2Mbps on average) and last Cosmote (with 1Mbps). However, Cosmote provides the widest 3G coverage across Greece, however their speed suffers and could be as low as 20-30kbps.


Originally Posted by italos (Post 33320)
ok great. Sounds like Wind is the best for coverage..

Do they have a package that includes a modem or do I need to buy one?

If so which USB modem should I purchase?

This is the only plan suitable for me that I can find?


>Free hrs per Month Monthly Fee RA Cost per hr
>ADSM Clock 100 100 hrs 30 € 2 €

and how do I get access to this deal

>Unique summer offer from WIND Mobile Broadband: Mobile Broadband Internet only 10 € a month, forever!

The two plans you are quoting are not prepaid but postpaid with 12-24 months contract.

To check for the prepaid plans, you can have a look on my recent overview on the sticky thread about Greece on the top.

Tobiashomer 14-09-2010 06:32

Ionian Islands with unlocked Three Mifi
I will be visiting the Ionian Islands (Corfu, Lefkada, Ithaka etc) for a month twice a year, with my wifi-only iPad, and had thought of getting an unlocked Huawei E585 modem and a Greek SIM. The E585 only works on 3G. does anyone know whether this is the best solution (I will use a iPad navigation program that needs constant coverage but at very low download rates)? Which operator has the best 3G coverage in the Ionian?
many thanks

italos 14-09-2010 08:47

Probably Cosmote is your best option, definately not Vodafone, Wind has good coverage also but probably not as good as Cosmote.

You will need to use their modem (E122-1) or another that is capable of dropping down to HSPA, 2G etc as the 3G coverage is not complete.

Tobiashomer 14-09-2010 08:58

Thanks Italo. Is the modem you mention a Mifi dongle like the E585 (not a USB modem which will not work with the iPad)?

italos 14-09-2010 09:18

sorry its a USB modem.

Tobiashomer 14-09-2010 18:55

I think that the capability of dropping down to 2G for instance is more dependant on the SIM card than on the hardware, am I wrong? In the UK locked Three Mobile modems and phones are restricted to 3G as their network is only 3G; but if you unlock them and use a different SIM, they will move down to 2G or Edge or whatever, I am told.

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