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Stu 14-06-2010 20:25

Starbuck's USA WiFi Net Will be Free
Starting on July 1, all US Starbucks will have free WiFi:

Starbucks (AT&T) Finally Buckles, Offers Free Wi-Fi - Free in all stores starting on July 1 -

For the last two years, it was effectively free, but you had to buy a Starbucks Gift Card, register it online, and then buy a brew.

bylo 16-06-2010 08:20

Also in the Great White North if Bell cooperates: Starbucks could expand free Wi-Fi offer to Canada

“We are working with Bell, our Wi-Fi provider in Canada, to explore plans for extending free Wi-Fi to company-operated stores in Canada,” said a company spokesperson.
BTW does this extend to airports? That could cause a big revenue hit for pay-WiFi at airports like YYZ that have Starbucks in the departure areas.

Stu 16-06-2010 13:00

My best friend (who lives in central London) told me that the UK just went free at Starbucks. I haven't independently verified this yet.

petkow 16-06-2010 13:12

As far as I know, it is already that way in a few of their branches, but the last one I went to gave you a voucher for some free WIFI time with a purchase. When the time ran out, you were compelled to buy another brew. I think that is basically the norm. You don't need to sign up to the loyalty card or anything. When I was in Bahrain, and more recently in Mexico, it was a similar setup at Starbucks branches over there.

I haven't had to time to read it completely, but this recent article tells you some more details about plans for the UK.
Free Starbucks WiFi in the UK? Don’t hold your breath

However, one thing I can say about the UK, (at least compared to Spain), is that there is a LOT more open wifi floating about in the air. I am in the UK right now, and am posting this from an unsecured wifi network. I had another exceedingly fast connection in the hotel I stayed at 2 nights ago! Ironically, the hotel was also offering a ridiculously overpriced PAID wifi option. My advice is never get one of those until you have scanned for signals in your room first! ;)

Jervin 23-06-2010 07:34

Starbucks acted late as a lot of coffee shops already offers free wifis.

bbob 24-06-2010 10:25

Was In Munich Yesterday and in the Airport I could use startbucks wifi free for 2 hours, than you have to relogin according to the page you get when connecting.

Stu 25-06-2010 03:07

I agree that Starbucks is a little late to the game, but as the saying goes: "better late than never."

On the GSM side, the U.S. is still a little thin on prepaid data offerings. (On the CDMA side, there are some good offerings. Unfortunately, this means buying new hardware). The many sources of free wifi can help offset this problem. As has been noted many times before, most McDonalds, Caribou's, Bigsby's, Barnes & Noble Bookstores, and Border's Bookstores have free wifi.

bylo 25-06-2010 11:02

Alas no free WiFi at Zurich airport when I was there this week. There's apparently a Starbucks in T1 but not T2 where I was waiting to fly out of.

OTOH I was able to get 30 min free WiFi at Sprüngli on Banhofstrasse. Interestingly a coffee and pastry there is no more expensive than at a Swiss Starbucks, i.e. ~CHF12, but much better tasting.

bylo 01-07-2010 14:53

It's now official. Starbucks offers free Wi-Fi in Canada

Starting on Canada Day [that's today!], more than 750 Starbucks locations across the country will offer free Wi-Fi, the company said Wednesday. More than 100 of those locations are in Toronto.

Services will be provided by Bell Canada. In the past, purchasing a drink or food item earned customers two hours of access. The new system does not require a password or user name and will be unlimited...

Hardy said the need to distinguish Starbucks as a leisure destination is compounded in Canada, where the market is dominated by low-cost options like Tim Hortons.

“Starbucks had been hurting so I think they need it,” he said. “It takes the edge off being a four-buck cup of coffee. At least you get your Wi-Fi.”
I guess I'll find out on Sunday if the Starbucks at YYZ offer free WiFi.

[BTW Tim Hortons doen't offer WiFi, free or otherwise. That's not their demographic.]

bylo 05-07-2010 02:15

The Starbucks at Pearson (YYZ) doesn't offer free WiFi :(

I'm contacting Starbucks HQ to see if/when they will.

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