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lizzie1955 20-05-2010 12:55

Help Setting Up an LG Cookie KP 500 with
I need help! I just purchased an unlocked LG Cookie KP 500. I plan to use it in Germany with my SIM card. I've used a SIM card for voice many times but this is the first time I'm going to be adding a data package so that I can check e-mail as well.

I went to and in addition "Data Options" in the "Mobile Internet", there's a section called "Mobile Set-Up for Mobile Internet (see below). Here's where I get lost. I have no idea of how to access these settings and what to do with them once I get them.

Any help getting this phone set up would be most appreciated.


You need a WAP / Internet enabled phone.
For your phone, you need the correct settings for the mobile Internet. können sich diese nach dem Einloggen kostenlos zuschicken lassen. customers can acquire these after logging can send for free.
Unser Datendienst steht Ihnen ohne Anmeldung oder vertragliche Bindung sofort zur Verfügung. Our data service is available without registration or contractual relationship immediately. Sobald Sie Ihr WAP/Internet fähiges Handy für das mobile Internet konfiguriert haben, können Sie direkt lossurfen. Once you have configured your WAP / Internet enabled mobile phone for the mobile Internet, you can start surfing right.

Zu den WAP-Einstellungen The WAP settings

inquisitor 20-05-2010 16:38

Here you are:

1.Set Access Point
Settings-> Connectivity-> Access points-> Add Access point
Connection title: (name it something, e.g. "blau")
Bearer: GPRS
Authentication: PAP
Username: blau
Password: blau

2.Internet profiles
Settings-> Connectivity-> Internet profiles-> Add Profile
Title: (name it something different than above)
Use proxy: OFF
Access point: Select access point previously created ("blau")

lizzie1955 20-05-2010 21:01

Thank you! I may have figured this out. I logged into my
account. They asked for brand, and model #. The also wanted to know if I
wanted the settings for WAP, Internet or MMS. Here's where I wasn't sure: I
said WAP. Sure enough, they sent as text message with the settings, I hit
the install button, used the security pin they sent me and all seemed to go as it was supposed to.

The only thing I'm not sure of is if I asked for the right settings for my purposes. I'm still not sure if I should have asked for WAP or Internet :confused:

Finally, I'm going to be in Germany for most of the time; however I will be spending a day or two in Prague. I know I can make calls from Prague using the Blau sim but will I also be able to check data. I know it will be expensive, but it seems to make more sense that starting with a Czech sim card for such a short period of time. And, I'm sure it will be much less expensive than trying to use my iPhone.

inquisitor 21-05-2010 07:25

You should better use the "Internet" settings instead of the "WAP" ones, since with the WAP settings all data will run through a so-called WAP-Gateway, which may limit internet access to web browsing, so eMail, instant messaging and other services that are not accessed through the browser perhaps won't work.

In the Czech Republic (and the rest of the EU) blau charges data with € 1.90/MB (vs. 0.24/MB in Germany) billed in 100KB-increments, so you should use data only if really necessary. Outgoing calls to the EU cost € 0.51/min while incoming calls (no matter where they originate) make € 0.22/min. Calls to destinations outside of the EU are charged with € 1.49/min - so calling home to the States will cost you a fortune. You should better tell people to call you instead of you calling them.

Regarding your general question on alternatives for blau, which you've sent me through PM, there's Fonic with cheaper international rates. Allthough they also demand € 0.09/min for calls to the States, they do not have a call set-up fee of € 0.15.
Regarding data usage, I suppose you won't be generating too much data volume, as your LG Cookie does not support 3G and so data transfer will be quite slow. Against that background I expect you'll be using the standard volume-based billing, for which blau and Fonic charge both € 0.24/MB, but blau is slightly cheaper due to their smaller billing increment (10KB vs. 100KB).

lizzie1955 21-05-2010 13:58

Thank you again. One final question. I already downloaded the WAP settings from onto my phone. Can I add the Internet settings or do I have to remove WAP first.

In other words, can I have both or just one?

inquisitor 21-05-2010 14:38

I think you can have both. Just request the "Internet" setttings on the blau website and after you've received them, go to Settings-> Connectivity-> Internet profiles where you should be able of marking the "Internet" profile as the standard one.

lizzie1955 22-05-2010 12:54

Thanks again. The phone is all set up!

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