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mingelli 03-12-2009 19:34

Callback with Sparuf
Would like to know from personal experience, if using an estonian sim the callback
Feature of sparuff will work.

dg7feq 03-12-2009 21:51

if i have time on the weekend i will setup and try. calling _to_ estonian mobiles works fine, i did that already (to my airbalticcard).


mingelli 04-12-2009 17:52

I tried to register to Sparuf calling their german number
But is only in german and coud not register. Do you know if
is possibie to register in english?

9eor9 06-12-2009 09:06

1. I also have used Sparruf callback to my airBBalticcard several times personally. With SMS callback and dialed callback.

2. If you need me to register you, please drop me your data via PM. I'll call them for you. :), BUT:

You can also register directly on their website via www. Go to the GERMAN version of their site and you'll find a field "Jetzt anmelden" (means "register now"):

You need to enter your name, (christian name (=Vorname) and surname (=Nachname)), your telephone number (Ihre Nummer) and your email address. That's all.

mingelli 06-12-2009 10:33

Many thanks, will try to register online . If I can't will get in touch.
As for the phone number to use in registration must be the number I
Wan use for calkback? And can I add another number for callback at a
Later time?

9eor9 06-12-2009 13:25

You need one number for the account, this is like an user ID. You can add other numbers for callback and Sparruf calls later (many, enough, but I don't know how many).

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