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brikis98 06-07-2009 06:35

International or National SIM?
I take a vacation in Europe once per year and usually take my unlocked GSM phone with me. I'm now looking for a good SIM card due to two recent changes: (1) my United Mobile SIM card seems dead and (2) I'm getting an unlocked iPhone.


* Free incoming calls
* Reasonable rates to call the US

Really nice to have

* Free incoming text messages
* Reasonable GPRS data rates (for the iPhone)


Are there any international SIM cards that satisfy the above? Or should I just get a new SIM card each year depending on the country I go to? For example, this August, I'm heading to Germany, so should I just get some German SIM card?

Effendi 06-07-2009 08:40

I really suggest you a German card if you are going just to Germany. You can get very interesting deals.

brikis98 06-07-2009 16:36


Originally Posted by Effendi (Post 28302)
I really suggest you a German card if you are going just to Germany. You can get very interesting deals.

Well, I'm going to Germany this year, but it'll be some different European country next year and still a different one after that. Is it a better deal to get a national SIM card in each of those countries or would an international SIM card pan out better in the end?

Also, what are good deals available in Germany?

fedeprovenza 06-07-2009 17:10

It's a little bit boring to buy one sim for each country you visit:p but if you' ve the time, you can do it. Will you receive a lot of calls? If so, it's better for you to buy an international sim like Travelsim (free incoming calls).
Here---> the german's sim

brikis98 06-07-2009 17:39


Originally Posted by fedeprovenza (Post 28312)
It's a little bit boring to buy one sim for each country you visit:p but if you' ve the time, you can do it.

Time won't be an issue, but I can't figure out if I'd end up spending way more money this way.


Originally Posted by fedeprovenza (Post 28312)
Here--->PrePaidGSM: Germany the german's sim

Any suggestions on which of these is the best deal, especially if I want to have access to GPRS data?

fedeprovenza 06-07-2009 17:50

PrePaidGSM: O2 (Germany) (you can subscribe o2 flat, 3,50 euro/one day)

Effendi 07-07-2009 09:49

brikis98 is interested in data and Germany only. So buying a German card is, by far, the best, easiest and cheapest choice. If next year he will go somewhere else he can buy another card. Local prepaid cards are cheap to buy and usually help to save a lot of money, expecially on data.

It's full of discussions about data in Germany on this section of the forum, just make a little search.

petkow 07-07-2009 10:24

Yes, I two second the suggestion of national cards rather than an international one. They are so cheap now anyhow (or even free), that you will always be better off financially getting national SIM's.

Also, remember that pretty much all "national" SIM's are of course also just as "International" as anything else, as you can roam with them. If you buy a German SIM this year, you can also use it next year elsewhere in Europe, and with the caps on prices within the EU, this is not even too expensive. Better still with something like a German Solomo Pro, incoming rates are only 10c/min anywhere in the EU (and free in Germany of course). You also mentioned SMS. Incoming SMS is always free anywhere on any European SIM anywhere in Europe. Only extremely backwards US networks have the nerve to charge your incoming SMS's to your monthly bundle!! (One of the stupidest things I have ever heard of, especially considering that SMS is sent using surplus bandwidth and also considering the amount of data that is sent in an SMS!!)

As mentioned above, especially for extremely cheap data/internet deals, a national SIM is far better value. Check out the internet offers in Germany by Tchibo etc. that are posted all over this forum. I presume your iPhone has 3G as well as GPRS, or is it an old one? If indeed it is only GPRS, even the cheapest German data bundles (which rely on the congested E-Plus network) will still work very well. It is only 3G that sometimes gets a bit slow on those.

jhanlon 08-07-2009 17:22

One of the OP's factors that has not been mentioned is "reasonable rates to call the US." If the SIM that you choose has free incoming calls, then your best bet for calls to the US is probably a call-back service like Callback World, which is the one that I use.

andy 08-07-2009 18:32


Originally Posted by jhanlon (Post 28376)
One of the OP's factors that has not been mentioned is "reasonable rates to call the US." If the SIM that you choose has free incoming calls, then your best bet for calls to the US is probably a call-back service like Callback World, which is the one that I use.

Some German SIMs, such as Solomo Pro and Fonic, have rates of 9 cents a minute to USA, cheaper than Callbackworld and almost all callback providers

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