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hrgajek 21-04-2009 17:39

Germany: T-Mobile D1 outage

since 21th April 16:00 local time German 2G/3G Network of T-Mobile ("T-Mobile D1" / "D1-Netz") had a system crash / outage.

Customers cannot log in or cannot be reached at the moment.
Most customers cannot make outgoing calls or send text-messages.

Data transfer may work (Blackberry)

The problem occurs also with T-Mobile Germany Customers using their phone abroad.

Users of foreign SIM-Cards within German D1 Network are not affected

Reason and duration unknown.

inquisitor 21-04-2009 18:11

If roaming customers arenot affected the cause seems to be the HLR.

hrgajek 21-04-2009 18:16



...seems to be the HLR
I would agree to this.
Or were the UM-technicians acquired by T-Mobile? (Sorry couldn't resist)

djmonsi 21-04-2009 19:50

Few T-mobile customers roaming abroad was affected for about 2 - 3hrs. Now its seems to be alright.

hrgajek 21-04-2009 20:10

Hello from Germany,

Network is running again. Maybe you need to switch off and on your mobile to re-register it. Check Call Forwarding (##002# Send) and reinstall it.

inquisitor 21-04-2009 20:18

Why check the forwardings? Have they been reset?

hrgajek 22-04-2009 08:07



Originally Posted by inquisitor (Post 26400)
Why check the forwardings? Have they been reset?

They recalled a backup copy which may contain "older" settings than you did. My older settings were restored, but the phone did not know this, even Code *#21# gave me the wrong result. So I resetted the forwardings.

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