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sokol_a1976 11-02-2009 18:31

PrePaid in Austria

Please, can you help me to select the prepaid sim card in Austria? I have checked the info on this web-site, but when I go directly to the Austrian operators web-pages, everything is in German, which I do not speak.

I need a pre-paid sim card with GPRS traffic included. I will be visiting Austria for one week, I mostly need incoming calls, sms and GPRS, so I am not that concerned about outgoing calls. Ideally I need to have 5-10 Mb of GPRS.

Many thanks,

inquisitor 11-02-2009 19:39

Yesss! offers 1 GB traffic with a validity of 12 months and 2 GB with a valitidy of 1 month, both for € 20.

A1 also offers 1 GB valid for 12 months for € 20, while providing better network coverage.

Telering has the very same tariff plus a 512-MB-pack for € 20, which is valid for 12 months.

Other Austrian operators do also have comparable tariffs. Austria probably has the cheapest mobile tariffs in the world.
There's no big difference in pricing among their operators, so let the local coverage decide. SIM cards are sold nearly everywhere.

For outgoing calls from Austria, I do recommend eety, who have very low rates for international calls. E.g. calling Russia costs € 0,099-0,119/min.

sokol_a1976 12-02-2009 08:03

inquisitor, thank you for the fast reply!

Still, may I clarify a bit further? I will definitely go for A1, network coverage is important. I checked the web-link you provided. I understand that I need to look for B.FREE package, but it also talks about USB modem, etc - which is not my case. I will not have laptop with me, I can only use GPRS... So, when I am in the supermarket, or somewhere else, what is exactly the package I should look for? "B.FREE Breitband 1 GB" ? But I cannot find sim-card in the description... Or do I need "B.FREE Breitband Welcome Package" ? Maybe you can provide the link to some store, which shows exactly how the package looks like, so that I can look for exactly the same?
Sorry if my questions are stupid... Normally I can easily understand and find anything I need on web-sites in English, but German makes me feel helpless :(

And regarding eety I totally agree - it is increadibly cheap!

Thanks again for your help!

inquisitor 12-02-2009 08:29

Yes, you need the "B.FREE Breitband Welcome Package", which includes 1GB of traffic for EUR 15. It is avaiable in A1 stores and at specialized dealers, which you can find at

sokol_a1976 12-02-2009 08:41

Tons of thanks, appreciate your help!

dg7feq 12-02-2009 09:19

please note: after buying the B-Free welcome kit you need to buy at least one recharge vocher and load it on the card. When our boss was in austria we learned that fact - otherwise the card will not be activated on the network.

sokol_a1976 12-02-2009 09:34

dg7feq, thanks for the note! This truly saves some nerve - I can already picture myself trying to figure out why the sim card does not work! With German instructions!
Thanks again! :)

dg7feq 12-02-2009 10:57

no problem. maybe one of the readers who was in austria recently can confirm that the cards still need to be activated as it was last year...

eccalex 12-02-2009 11:52

When you buy the "B.FREE Breitband Welcome Package" (for EUR 14,90), you do not have to recharge it before use - it comes with 1 GB of data.
I suggest you go to an A1 store to buy it - other stores may not have it.
This sim card is not intended for outgoing calls (it is a data tarif). I am not sure if outgoing calls are working. If yes they are quite expensive.
Incoming calls are free.
Don't forget to set up a data profile on your mobile for internet access:
Password: ppp

dg7feq 12-02-2009 14:31

thats good to know that they changed this now - exactly this product our boss bought last year during his skiing holiday. the card didnt register to the network then. The hotline told us that we have to recharge it once to activate it and use the 1 GB included data.

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