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MATHA531 17-11-2008 00:18

Hi guys...

A friend of mine put me on the case of looking at Gymsim ( ).

At first glance, I thought it was a United Mobile re-sell as it spoke about having a +44 card and an original +423 card.

A comparison of some rates, however, was very interesting.

According to gymsim, for example, you can receive calls in Japan for free (presumably with the proper phone of course) as well as Antigua...not so with United Mobile.

Anybody know anything I don't know (which is not saying a lot of course' most here know lots of things I don't know)....

Incidentally, with the dramatic drop in the euro and sterling against the USD, United Mobile, which I have denominated in euro, seems to be a better and better deal! (some speculate it's just a matter of a little bit of time before the euro and USD approach parity and some speculate sterling will soon hit $1.30 US).

prion 17-11-2008 07:29

It is strange that they claim to have coverage in 215 countries using the +44 card and
Free incoming calls in 90 countries... I wonder what network agreements they are using...

andy 17-11-2008 13:50

United Mobile does claim free incoming calls in Japan for the +423 SIM

The IoM SIM here appears to be reselling of Wire9

cloud9 19-11-2008 13:36

you are both right! GYMSIM actually sell both a +423 service of United Mobiles and a +44 one of Cloud9's

The additional roaming destinations offered by the +44 product are far in excess of the +423.

dg7feq 12-01-2009 09:45

anybody has experiance with this card?
I am looking for a replacement for 09 and yackie and they seem to have very good rates - india for example with free incoming??!!

prion 12-01-2009 12:47


Originally Posted by dg7feq (Post 24855)
anybody has experiance with this card?
I am looking for a replacement for 09 and yackie and they seem to have very good rates - india for example with free incoming??!!

free incoming in India seems impossible..

bbob 12-01-2009 13:05

If it uses the iom platform it might be an interesting card. 39,95 including 20 euro credit.

When does the GYM card and the credit expire?

SIM card and credit will become invalid after not using it for nine months. But a call or text will revalidate for another 9 months.

This is a lot better than gt-sim and rates are comparable. It might even be a better alternative compared to the easyroam sim I reviewed.

bbob 12-01-2009 13:12

can't edit above post anymore, can they change this form 2 minutes to maybe 15 minutes or 30 minutes.

If it uses the iom platform it might be an interesting card. 39,95 including 20 euro credit.

When does the GYM card and the credit expire?

SIM card and credit will become invalid after not using it for nine months. But a call or text will revalidate for another 9 months.

Sounds great but that when you look at their rate table:

·Plan A - 0.09 Euros call connection fee,
8 month Sim/credit non-use Expiry.
·Plan B - No Connection Fee, no Sim/credit expiry:
9.00 Euros Month (individual months added as
required) or 5.00 Euros mth for 12 months pre-paid

The info is a bit different to the one on the website and confusing as plan B has no connection charge but seems to have 5 euro per month cost when paid for 12 month or 9 euro for individual month.

So which one is true, the one from the rate table of from the faq on their website.

although rates are good this misinformation on websites make me to stay away or get a confirmation from customer service first on what is true and what not.

bbob 12-01-2009 13:34

some more from the rate table:

·Rates subject to change. Updated April 2008
·Temporary 0.05 Euros surcharge to / from Italy
·Free Incoming call fair use policy - We monitor free
incoming call volume & reserve the right to make a
small incoming surcharge on accounts that have an
excessively high ratio of free incoming calls as to
outgoing calls. (Customer notified)

Not my choice when I read all these terms. Rates might be ok but all this terms, montly cost, fair use, intaly incoming make me not choose this card.

dg7feq 12-01-2009 14:36

Both is correct. The 9 months validity is the +423-card, the 8 months (no monthly fee) or unlimited (5/9Euro per month) is the +44 card.

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