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Yana 14-08-2008 22:55

International roaming with virtual numbers
A few weeks ago I was in Europe and all my family in the United States was able to call me anytime they wanted on my local US phone number and get in touch with me in Europe at the local US rates. It is very easy to setup and extremely affordable to use. You can find detailed info about this service at the following link:

snaimon 18-08-2008 16:07

Not much detail on the site about HOW MUCH IT COSTS per month or per call.

Bossman 18-08-2008 19:20

I noticed that too. So, I tried asigning up with a ficticious number. Choosing a UK number to forward to a USA number. Here is what I got:

Item Details Period Price Sub Total
(months) setup monthly
Virtual Number 44-20, United Kingdom, London 1 $5.00 $5.00 $10.00
PSTN 0012245554444 1 $15.99 $15.99
Total: $25.99


Originally Posted by snaimon (Post 23256)
Not much detail on the site about HOW MUCH IT COSTS per month or per call.

Motel75 18-08-2008 20:11

Whatever the merits of this service, the OP sounds like spam.

snaimon 18-08-2008 20:30

In about 4 weeks our son burned up $15 on onesuite to reach us from US while we were in DE and FR. Some to more expensive cell phones. Considering I won't be needing the service for another year barring any unforeseen travel, onesuite was more economical that SendMyCall.

flodis79 30-08-2008 11:50

The is a very uninformative web site, they dont mention any rate information at all.. And the phrase 'terms and agreements' sounds strange - I always thought it was 'terms and conditions' :)

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