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fedeprovenza 05-07-2008 07:22

Italy mvno
As Przemolog i'd like to put here italy mvno, as of today they are 9:

-Coopvoce. Code 331-1. It's necessary to subscribe coop card (supermarket). Roam Tim
-1mobile. Code 377-3. Only one tarif. Roam Vodafone
-Postemobile. Code 377-1. Interesting office users :D Roam Vodafone .
-Bt mobile. Code 377-7. Only for firms.
-Conad Insim. Code 377-9.
-A-mobile. Code 32X or 38X. Powered by Wind. Roam Wind
-Telepass mobile. Code 32X or 38X (I'm not sure) roam Wind.
-Fastweb mobile. Code unknown as of today. Roam 3. Necessary to be fastweb user.
-Mtv mobile. Roam Tim

Probably only Fw is a very mvno, most of them are not mvno
Effendi, Andrea, if I've forgot something, tell me it:D

Effendi 05-07-2008 13:10

Yes, Fastweb is the only real MVNO but it can be used only by Fastweb landline customers, so it's really not interesting here by now.

MTV Mobile, A-Mobile and the almost unknow Telepass Mobile are just other offers by TIM and Wind, they even don't try to hide it, they don't have specific codes and they use TIM and Wind refill cards, but you cannot switch to a TIM or Wind plan.

BT Mobile is postpaid only and for business customers only. It's the only MVNO of this type in Italy.

All the other are just ESP and not MVNO and so they don't have such convenient tariffs compared i.e. to Wind or 3...

fedeprovenza 05-07-2008 16:58

One tariff is not very bad: I think Coop voce, wirh Veloce Coop. It costs only 17 eurocent per minute, like SSS of Wind and without set-up fee. :)

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