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gorion 19-06-2008 12:50

Dominican Republic
Hi all,

This summer i will go to Dominican Republic, i would like to know if i can buy an Orange sim card there even if i'm not a Dominican Resident.

Thank you :)

VladS 19-06-2008 13:02

There's a company selling Dominican Claro SIMs on eBay. AFAIK Claro has better coverage than Orange.

gorion 19-06-2008 13:15

I can't find it, can you help me please?

Effendi 19-06-2008 14:49

I thin you can easily buy a card once there.

From Claro's website:

Para activar el Servicio
Visita cualquiera de nuestros Centros de Atención a Clientes o Distribuidores Autorizados Claro, presentando tu cédula de identidad o pasaporte
So just passport is needed.

VladS 19-06-2008 15:33

I've been to DR several times, and if you go on all-inclusive packages you may have a tough time buying one. Most resorts ban the sale of SIM and top-up cards on property and unless you're in a bigger town you may not find a store selling them.

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