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Przemolog 25-03-2008 01:31

Dreaming of a white Easter....
1 Attachment(s)
.... and dreams came true :-P

Easter Monday 24.03.2008 09:00 CET - a view from my window (it's a street you can sen on the top of my avatar :-)).

DRNewcomb 25-03-2008 04:28

Nothing so spectacular but I just dragged the norfolk island pine and night blooming cereus back inside because we are expecting 2 C tonight. There's an old saying around here about not planting your tomatoes before Easter. This year that's way to soon.

dg7feq 25-03-2008 08:53

yeah... we have more snow now than during the whole winter.... lovely.... was stuck on the highway for hours cause come brains already put summer tires on.


andy 25-03-2008 11:32

not many people in the UK have winter tyres

I know someone who visited southern Germany years ago and had snow in the first week of May

In the UK in 1976, one of the hottest summers for a while, a cricket test match had to be stopped in June when a heavy snow shower covered the pitch

Przemolog 25-03-2008 13:52


Originally Posted by DRNewcomb (Post 21315)
There's an old saying around here about not planting your tomatoes before Easter. This year that's way to soon.

Excellent saying. Considering that Easter can occur any day from 22nd March to 25th April (35-days period), performing any agricultural/horticultural activities which depend on its date is a bit crazy :-).


Originally Posted by dg7feq (Post 21315)
yeah... we have more snow now than during the whole winter.... lovely.... was stuck on the highway for hours cause come brains already put summer tires on.


Yes, so much snow in the end of March isn't that unusal in central Europe - but it's funny when Easter (in fact very early this year) is much whiter than Christmas :-).

PhotoJim 25-03-2008 16:44

Here in Saskatchewan, Canada, we don't plant our tomatoes until the Victoria Day weekend (the weekend containing the last Monday in May), and even then it's sometimes too early.

Yesterday it was 10 C. This morning there is snow on the ground and it's going down to -14 tonight, yet it's supposed to be 8 on Thursday again.

petkow 25-03-2008 17:31

This all reinforces why I am moving to Spain!

(Better Tomatoes off course!)

bylo 25-03-2008 19:26


Originally Posted by PhotoJim (Post 21325)
Yesterday it was 10 C. This morning there is snow on the ground and it's going down to -14 tonight, yet it's supposed to be 8 on Thursday again. in "the tropics" the high yesterday was +4C and it only got down to -6C last night. We've already broken the all-time record for snow this year but there is "up to" 10cm falling now.

Of course it could be a lot worse :evil:

petkow 25-03-2008 20:19

Resolute!! One place I do not want to be sent though I keep hearing threats! One of my friends ended up in Yellowknife. I guess it gets nippy enough there too. Not quite tomato growing weather!

By the way, I know now you've been doing this a long time, but until now I hadn't really realised you Canadians had gone Centigrade too! I suppose like here in the UK some of the older ones still think Fahrenheit though?

PhotoJim 25-03-2008 21:56

We've used Celsius since 1978. Some older people still use Fahrenheit, but not many.

Even in my part of southern Canada it can get down to -40 (which is the same in either scale :) ) but the summers are quite warm, even hot by British standards. Temperatures in the high 30s are not that unusual in midsummer.

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