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Stu 04-02-2008 15:15

US Short Term Visitors
If you are visiting the US (other than the subway cities, e.g. New York, Boston, Washington DC, Chicago (no cracks about it being "el"evated), or Frisco( this might be of interest to you. Avis is currently renting a mobile router with unlimited EVDO for US $11 a day.

It might not be for everyone, but you can have wifi in your car and any place you can carry the router to. Since the price matches the price for wifi in premium hotels, this might be effectively a freebie for many of you.

AndreA 04-02-2008 22:33

not bad, expecially if i change 11$ in € :D

Stu 04-02-2008 23:00

Don't remind me how bad the dollar is doing. Ugh.

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