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powerlifter 31-01-2008 19:38

Hop to go away
I have been told by hop that they plan to limit service after Feb 28th of this year. I would suggest you use all the balance that you have during any future trip because service it appears might be limited to outgoing calls only in March and April. The card will not function after April if they continue with the current plan. When you go to the site for reloads you will see they say the function is not available anymore. They are limiting reloads and want people to use the balances they have. This is some heads up information that will let you use your balance. Don't be caught by surprise when you can't use your SIM account after April so use it in February is our suggestion. If they announce the end of February two way calling deadline and outbound only in March and April on their site. looks like the end of hop as well of the other cards.

bones_boy 03-02-2008 05:41

Can you please keep us updated? I have a HUGE Hop balance, and am not happy about the prospect of losing it.

Stu 03-02-2008 14:57

My HOP SIM is dead, but they were the only ones with a reasonable usage rate in the US.

powerlifter 03-02-2008 16:40


Originally Posted by bones_boy (Post 20206)
Can you please keep us updated? I have a HUGE Hop balance, and am not happy about the prospect of losing it.

What got me started on this was I toped off my card because my 12 months was coming due.
I toped it off put in in my phone, and the sim would not register. After much talking with CS they have sent me a new card, and told me what I stated in my first post. I am here in the states so I will have to use up the balance this month. I to have a hefty balance on the sim.
well I will just have to use it up.

kantor 03-02-2008 20:52

Hop Mobile Recharge Question
It was always difficult to recharge to Hop Mobile SIM, but now all recharge options have been removed from the homepage
Any ideas how to recharge now?

andy 04-02-2008 04:15


Originally Posted by kantor (Post 20224)
Any ideas how to recharge now?

I've merged your post with this thread, which suggests it may no longer be possible

powerlifter 04-02-2008 15:04


Originally Posted by kantor (Post 20224)
It was always difficult to recharge to Hop Mobile SIM, but now all recharge options have been removed from the homepage
Any ideas how to recharge now?

You are correct it is no longer possible to top off your sim card. Please use your balance, and be done with it.

bones_boy 04-02-2008 20:49


Originally Posted by kantor (Post 20224)
It was always difficult to recharge to Hop Mobile SIM, but now all recharge options have been removed from the homepage
Any ideas how to recharge now?

I purchased a HOP reload from a reseller in January (last month), before a trip to Russia. Have worked with him for several years to get my HOP reloads. Stopped purchasing them directly from HOP - they would never authorize my credit card (long story).

I will edit this post when I get home tonight, to include the website of the reseller. It is a well-known reseller (like Telestial) but can't think of the site right now.

HOWEVER - I agree with powerlifter, that if they are done, a reload is probably no longer in your best interest. But for now, my HOP card still works inbound and outbound.

AndreA 04-02-2008 22:37

what a pity! They were the 1st one and the best solution for US

prion 04-02-2008 23:17


Originally Posted by AndreA (Post 20257)
what a pity! They were the 1st one and the best solution for US

As well as for India, Canada, Cuba!

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