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MATHA531 29-08-2007 00:59

Question about eurotariffs
Here is my question about the application of eurotariffs...

Does one get the lowered reception rate while outside the home country of the sim card only on other calls from eu phones or from all phones. The information is not clear at all to me.

snaimon 29-08-2007 01:16

Our EU friends will know for sure. I believe the ORIGIN country is immaterial. HOWEVER, at least in Germany, implementation has been somewhat uneven. I believe in some cases there, the USER must request being switched to the new rate. In other words, a switch is not necessarily automatic. I would expect there could be surprises in other countries, too. Example, if you had the VODAFONE passport, as far as I know, at least in Germany, unless you request a change, you will have that rate rather than the imposed lower roaming rate.

Also remember that some few countries do not belong to the EU. CH comes immediately to mind, but I suspect the former Soviet-bloc countries do not all belong.


Effendi 29-08-2007 08:49

The problem for Vodafone Passport users is present also here in Italy, and I think it's something almost against the law... Anyway, all other operators, switched, or will switch, automatically all users to the new Eurotariffs. The limit I think is the end of September 2007. Some operators switched at once (quite in an honest way, before summer holidays) other haven't yet (but gave the possibility to switch on request).

The country where is the caller is really not important, what counts is where are YOU when you call or receive.

MATHA531 29-08-2007 09:01


Originally Posted by Effendi (Post 17108)
The problem for Vodafone Passport users is present also here in Italy, and I think it's something almost against the law... Anyway, all other operators, switched, or will switch, automatically all users to the new Eurotariffs. The limit I think is the end of September 2007. Some operators switched at once (quite in an honest way, before summer holidays) other haven't yet (but gave the possibility to switch on request).

The country where is the caller is really not important, what counts is where are YOU when you call or receive.

That would be what I would think also but here is a statement from O2 UK on their My Europe tariff which apparently is their rendition of eurotariffs:

When you're abroad in any of the European countries we've listed below, making a call to one of those countries will cost 35p per minute and receiving a call from any of those countries just 18p per minute. It's the same rate whether you call a mobile or landline, any time, no matter which network you connect to.

That statement sure seems to say that the reduced rate for receiving calls only applies, while travelling in Europe outside the UK, for calls from other EU countries......How can they tell where the call originates?

dg7feq 29-08-2007 09:33


Originally Posted by MATHA531 (Post 17104)
Here is my question about the application of eurotariffs...

Does one get the lowered reception rate while outside the home country of the sim card only on other calls from eu phones or from all phones. The information is not clear at all to me.

The rates are from all EU GSM-phones to all EU phones. Not for calls outside EU or from outside EU. (some exceptions here as well - for example some count the french overseas terretories to EU, some not. Our german carriers often added some popular hoiday destinations in europe which are not EU as well.)


Przemolog 29-08-2007 10:15


Originally Posted by dg7feq (Post 17110)
The rates are from all EU GSM-phones to all EU phones. Not for calls outside EU or from outside EU. (some exceptions here as well - for example some count the french overseas terretories to EU, some not. Our german carriers often added some popular hoiday destinations in europe which are not EU as well.)

MATHA531: I think that "receiving a call from any of those countries" is just a grammatical error - IMHO it should be "in" instead of "from".

dg7feq: AFAIK the 4 French overseas territories and Gibraltar must be included in eurotariffs just like 27 member states because they are part of the EU. In Poland all the operators included French territories and Orange excluded Gibraltar.

Effendi 29-08-2007 14:50

Yeah, French overseas territories and Gibraltar MUST be included. Some included also Man, Channel Islands, Swiss and Norway...

Przemolog 29-08-2007 15:38


Originally Posted by Effendi (Post 17116)
Yeah, French overseas territories and Gibraltar MUST be included. Some included also Man, Channel Islands, Swiss and Norway...

Well, I think that someone in Orange Poland believes that Gibraltar in neither in EU nor in Europe - in "zone-based" postpaid roaming tariff which is valid until today Gibraltar is in the Zone "Rest of the world" :-P

As to Man and Channel Islands, I think that another case may happen - roaming on any of those islands is not included in the eurotariff of a specific operator but calls from euroaming countries TO Man and Channel Islands are billed as +44 calls to UK...

snaimon 29-08-2007 16:06

Example of roaming
Here are the SIMYO rates as of Aug 1.

* means only SMS and INBOUND at this time .

France includes Monaco, but no mention of islands. I count 27 EU countries.

YES, there is a difference in rates in and our EU v rest of Europe and rest of world. I left off rest of world.

Belgien, Bulgarien, Dänemark, Estland*, Finnland, Frankreich (inkl.Monaco), Griechenland, Großbritannien (inkl. Kanalinseln*), Irland, Italien (inkl. Vatikanstadt und San Marino) Lettland*, Litauen*, Luxemburg, Malta, Niederlande, Österreich, Polen, Portugal, Rumänien, Schweden, Slowakische Republik, Slowenien, Spanien, Tschechien, Ungarn, Zypern*

Rest Europa, Nordamerika
Albanien*, Andorra*, Bosnien-Herzegowina, Färöer*, Gibraltar*, Island*, Isle of Man*, Israel, Kosovo*, Kroatien, Liechtenstein, Mazedonien*, Modawien*, Montenegro*, Norwegen, Russische Föderation*, Schweiz, Serbien*, Türkei, Ukraine*, Weißrussland*, Kanada*, USA*


* in diesen Ländern können nur SMS versendet sowie Gespräche angenommen werden. Abgehende Gespräche sind zur Zeit noch nicht möglich.

andy 29-08-2007 17:31


Originally Posted by Przemolog (Post 17111)
MATHA531: I think that "receiving a call from any of those countries" is just a grammatical error - IMHO it should be "in" instead of "from".

I think it's a proofreading error, as the page in question has 3 different versions, which I've brought to O2's attention.

They confirm that the intention is that it is the place where you are that counts, not the call origin.

There are non-EU countries on the list, as well as on the slightly shorter one for the free-incoming My Europe Extra option

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