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zigosis 14-12-2006 00:10

Callbackworld Alternative (need buddies to test)
Something changed. Deleted by myself.

prion 14-12-2006 07:29

Interesting. So if you do not live in the States you can not create an account in pincity? Very clever! :x

I have a question. How do you get a US number with ipcall?

I downloaded the softphone . How do I get the US number?

dg7feq 14-12-2006 08:41


Originally Posted by prion
Interesting. So if you do not live in the States you can not create an account in pincity? Very clever! :x

I have a question. How do you get a US number with ipcall?

I downloaded the softphone . How do I get the US number?

here -->

The question i have is: Could i use any IP-call provider that enables SIP forwarding to use this service? I already have a german and a UK number which can be forwarded to any SIP account...


prion 14-12-2006 08:49

Chris Thanks!

Can I use the service with voipbuster sip?

zigosis 14-12-2006 09:14

Yes, you can use your own German and UK numbers to be access number.

and ipkall can work with voipbuster.


zigosis 17-12-2006 08:19


anyone interested?

If you do mind I affiliated with pincity, you don't have to type my name during sign-up.

I just think it's a interesting and saving service.

And I'll get some free credits next week, please reply here if you want to try.

Thank you. :)

prion 17-12-2006 15:23

This is only for US residents. Correct?

zigosis 17-12-2006 21:33

hello prion,

pincity only accept US credit card, that's too bad.

I'll give them a suggest.

but for free trial, everyone is welcome.

so prion, can you be my first user?


prion 17-12-2006 22:14

How can I register? They require to buy some credit in advance.....

zigosis 17-12-2006 23:34

Hello prion,

Thanks for your insteresting.

I'll send you a free trial account later, and you can use several minutes. :roll:

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