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mmthomas 09-08-2006 20:44

TMobile web site says it will cost .05 to receive SMS effective 15 August 2006.

Triband81 10-08-2006 18:43

That sure sucks.....I guess they don't have enough people using SMS through their prepaid accounts.

Motel75 12-08-2006 17:13

And raising the price is supposed to make us use it more?

treadsoftly 24-08-2006 04:25

That is absolutely crazy. I was thinking about getting a t-mob PAYG card for my trip to the USA. That move has made me re-think my choice.

Bossman 24-08-2006 11:31

It's still free. Even though they were supposed to start charging for it a few weeks ago. May be they are rethinking because of the complaints.

AndreA 07-09-2006 13:48


Originally Posted by Bossman
It's still free.

Still? :whistle:

Bossman 07-09-2006 14:07

Yes. It's still free to receive SMS.


Originally Posted by AndreA
Still? :whistle:

AndreA 07-09-2006 18:20

Great! I think it's a so dumb thing to pay for incoming sms that i can't believe that they want to destroy their prepaid offer...

Effendi 07-09-2006 20:16

Cingular in the US and Fido in Canada have incoming SMS not for free, if I'm not wrong...

snaimon 08-09-2006 01:09


Originally Posted by AndreA
Great! I think it's a so dumb thing to pay for incoming sms that i can't believe that they want to destroy their prepaid offer...

I doubt the company sees it that way. Just another untapped revenue (profit) opportunity. AND considering the market forces or lack thereof in the US.....

I guess this is another difference between US and the rest of the world. Whereas most of the globe EXPECTS fee inbound SMS, even the international cards have it, most in the US AFAIK expect to pay for inbound SMS. My Verizon postpay and prepay charged for them; T-MO postpaid also charges extra.


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