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Hank C Burnette 07-07-2006 19:48

First of all, hello from a newbie.

As in the next month of august i'll spend some time in the Netherlands and i'll be back often i'm interested in a Dutch prepaid sim.

It looks that the only operator that allow the delivery abroad is the MVNO Ortel ( ), and it seems have interesting rates to call abroad.

There are other operators that allow that?

Thank You

andy 08-07-2006 12:44

I don't know about buying from abroad, but I notice those tariffs look very similar to Lebara. They both have plenty of retail outlets according their websites, including the post office and petrol forecourts by the look of it

Stu 08-07-2006 13:40

Telestial in the US sells Dutch 02 SIMs. I'm sure there are other companies. I once found a German company that specialized in foreign SIMs, but I lost the information.

Motel75 08-07-2006 15:26

Again, though, why bother having it delivered internationally? You'll be able to get one very easily in NL (they are sold everywhere, there's lots of competition, and pretty much everyone speaks English to a high standard, so buying one won't be difficult), and you'll probably save a lot of money doing so.

UKSTEVE 08-07-2006 16:58


Originally Posted by Motel75
Again, though, why bother having it delivered internationally? You'll be able to get one very easily in NL (they are sold everywhere, there's lots of competition, and pretty much everyone speaks English to a high standard, so buying one won't be difficult), and you'll probably save a lot of money doing so.

If you're arriving at Amsterdam airport, there's a phone shop in the main arrivals hall just before you reach the rail station - they sell pre-pay SIMs and the assistants there know what to do with foreigners regarding registration.

I've found them to be very helpful - even for people that bought their SIMs elsewhere and wanted info for free.

Steve :)

Hank C Burnette 09-07-2006 20:39

You're right.

In facts, i saw that many websites offering a shipping service for simcards, but i think that there is a "overpricing"....

Then,the better solution will be to buy one when i'll be there


Stu 09-07-2006 21:30

I could have sworn that I put a disclaimer on my post about high a surcharge you pay for international shipping, but its not there. Oh well.

123456 10-07-2006 18:03


Telestial in the US sells Dutch 02 SIMs.
These SIMs must be very old. The Dutch part of o2 was sold and became Telfort (again) in August 2003!

The cheapest SIMs for calling abroad from the Netherlands are:
All of them are widely available in telecomshops and other outlets in the Netherlands.

Prepaid SIMs from the 'Big Names' like KPN Mobile/Hi, Vodafone and Orange are (much) more expensive for calling abroad from the Netherlands.

Stu 11-07-2006 05:18

Strange. I have a Dutch 02 SIM that I purchased in 2004. I also visited the site back then.

It is one of two SIMs I bought from Telestial. I bought that one for my wife who transitting through Schipol twice a month (at least) including an overnight every third trip or so.

I told her to buy a prepaid and she explained to me that they don't sell prepaids at the airport. Frankly, I have a hard time buying this. Her "phone worked fine and she just wanted it easy." At that point, I just popped for the SIM to be shipped to me so that I could hand it to her.

The other SIM card I bought from them was for Pakistan. My neighbor's kid was flying off for six weeks to do relief work over there following the quake. It was a present.

Even though I paid too much, I still don't mind my second purchase.


Hank C Burnette 22-08-2006 20:41

So, back here i'll talk about my experience:

Finally, i decided to buy a Ortel Mobiel card, bought it on a BP petrol station on the highway.

With 9,95 euros i got the card with already 7,5 euros of credit and it worked fine both on Nokia 6630 and my old Samsung sgh-x 450.

The card promptly get on KPN net and it worked fine and quickly, as promised the billing was 1/1 with a 0,07 euros of set-up fee, both for local and international calls.

No problem at all for incoming/outcoming calls from abroad, it simply work perfect!

Back here, i keep it always on for incoming sms, due to the fact that my Dutch girlfriend send me SMS on that number (as the fact that with her post-paid T-Mobile intl. sms are charged at about 0,40 eur. and 0,09 for national)

With that, so i find interesting the 0,15 eur. for National and international sms.

My two cents:

-Price of sim-pack
-Low rates on international calls/sms
-Never had a net problem

-Lack of GPRS (no mms supported also)
-Webpage not very clear
(on that, i can say that off-peak time is 20-08 h and 0-24 on the weekend)
-Pricing on off-peak calls to other mobiles higher (0,35 eur compared to 0,20 eur for landlines and Ortel and KPN mobiles)

Well... sorry for my bad english, hope this infos can be useful!!!


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