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svenn 10-07-2018 12:21

Sim2fly Roamingsim

Which international Simcard do you use?

I'm using the AISsim2fly and the mtx simcard.

dg7feq 10-07-2018 16:29


Originally Posted by svenn (Post 50284)

Which international Simcard do you use?

I'm using the AISsim2fly and the mtx simcard.

AIS sim2fly 899thb/15 days? does not sound cheap to me - unless you need to be reachable on the thai phone number

svenn 10-07-2018 17:15

But you can top up the sim and have unlimited data with this promo

dg7feq 11-07-2018 08:32


Originally Posted by svenn (Post 50289)
But you can top up the sim and have unlimited data with this promo

the freedom unlimited works in Roaming?
I was using this package domestic but i assume its not roaming capable

svenn 11-07-2018 12:10

Yes it really workes

You will get an SMS You can enjoy now unlimited Data with 1 mbit for example.

I'm roaming on the german Telekomnetwork.

Here you can look at the packages

The packags are vaild for 30 days.

Just top it up here and it will work

dg7feq 12-07-2018 13:30

i am quite sure that is not their intention that it works - but good to know. will try it out for sure :)

wolfbln 13-07-2018 07:45

Svenn has said so many things here that don't make sense. But may be he is right this time.

To me it's not quite clear what he is doing or up to:
Sim2Fly is a special Thai roaming SIM by AIS with special packages intended for Thai roamers abroad. These SIM cards work roaming all over the world. That's their purpose.
Regular (one-two-call) AIS SIM cards for Thailand normally don't roam abroad or at a very high price.
These two product lines are intended for different purposes: domestic and abroad (seen from Thaland).
They come in different AIS SIM cards and can't be changed to one another.
To verify his observations, he is very unclear in what he is exactly doing. Asking him for specifics, he evades direct responses.

So I wonder which way he is suggesting exactly in his post?
- Did he take a regular (1-2-call) AIS SIM, added this unlimited throttled package intended for Thailand and it works in Germany too at the Thai domestic rate (which is surprising)?
- or did he take a SIM2Fly AIS roaming SIM and was able to add this same unlimited throttled pack destined for Thailand (which is surprising) and thereby roams at the Thai domestic rate in Germany?
The approach to both ways is very different as you need a different SIM card to do this.
Generally, I'm sceptical and we can give him a chance and try to verify this. But for that he needs to specify exactly what he is doing.

dg7feq 13-07-2018 08:54

i wanted to try with my domestic AIS card, but unfortunately it expired some weeks ago.

svenn 14-07-2018 14:42

Wolfbln number too is right

svenn 17-07-2018 06:31

You can also book the package here

The unlimited data packages

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