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terra 01-06-2006 21:08

Hi, I was browsing online and run accross this international provider:

My Webpage

Does anybody know anything about them, are they any good, is their service reliable.

Thank you all again for your help. :help:

TheMadBrewer 01-06-2006 21:13

I used them years ago with no problem. I stopped using them when their rates from German pay phones went way up. But soon after so did just about everybody else. I used IDT for a while (but they have a monthly charge) and now I use Call Back World if I'm calling from a land line (but mostly I use CBW with UM and my mobile)

terra 01-06-2006 21:21


Originally Posted by TheMadBrewer
I used them years ago with no problem. I stopped using them when their rates from German pay phones went way up. But soon after so did just about everybody else. I used IDT for a while (but they have a monthly charge) and now I use Call Back World if I'm calling from a land line (but mostly I use CBW with UM and my mobile)

sorry if i was not clear, I want to find out about their mobil (sim) service.

Thank you.

Przemolog 01-06-2006 22:00


Originally Posted by terra
sorry if i was not clear, I want to find out about their mobil (sim) service.

Thank you.

Give them your Global Premium service phone number - the one that starts +44

Short codes, handset compatibility => another Manx SIM, rather expensive - outgoing calls start from $0.99.

They have also another plan - this one is cheaper:

moua 04-06-2006 02:30

If you have an isic card, it's $30 cheaper :
It's apparently also for IYTC & ITIC card owners.

In France this card cost 12?, in USA 22$.

Somes high school provide it as default for student card.
You can get this card about anywhere in the world :

With an isic card to France :
The "global" sim with $20 credit + ship + VAT cost $19.38 (FL number)
The "international" sim with $10 credit + ship + VAT cost $42.88 (UK number)

The global sim card price is low, but free inccoming calls is only in FR/ES/UK/IT/MX and very high outgoing price :thumbdown:

Their "international" sim card sounds interesting however.
If you have an ISIC card, i think it's the cheapest IoM sim card.

PS : even if you don't don't plan to use it with ekit,
if you can get an isic card, get one. You have MANY discount around the world
(and probably also at home), especially for travellers.

Przemolog 04-06-2006 16:58

I reviewed the ekit offer more thoroughly and this is what I found.

Global Premium Service
UK (probably Manx) number, free incoming only in Zone 1a: France, Italy, Mexico, Spain, United Kingdom, expensive calls (min. $0.99) , but some toll-free calling to this mobile number is available.

International Mobile Service
UK (probably Manx) number - but not explicitly stated on the page, free incoming in many countries, rates are lower than the above plan - more like Callblue.

Global Service
No doubt it's rebranded UM (but the old one -3 zones, no free incoming) it seems not to be sold anymore.

moua 05-06-2006 08:22


Originally Posted by Przemolog
but some toll-free calling to this mobile number is available.

I've called them about this.

It's only 100 minutes free. Then... it don't work anymore.

Przemolog 05-06-2006 19:22


Originally Posted by moua
I've called them about this.

It's only 100 minutes free. Then... it don't work anymore.

That's what I supposed :P

Here is the full list of their mobile offer:

They have also UK & Ireland service - probably IoM based (similar to the International service) but with rates preferring calls to UK/Ireland.

There are also: European service, Caribbean service, Asia/Pacific service which are UM based (but rates are more "contemporary" - with many free incoming countries).

They offer also national SIMs: United States Cingular service, Australian Optus service and Canadian Fido service.

I was wrong they don't sell UM sims. The offer depends on choice of the "origination" country i.e. the selection of the "Service works in" list:
After all, this selection tool is pretty stupid by design since it includes very few countries of the available coverage of the both kind of sims :).

And, finally, IMHO ekit sims are not "fully international" sims since they ship to 15 countries only... (yes, I know, rich and populated ones, but 15 anyway :))

terra 05-06-2006 19:55


Originally Posted by Przemolog
I reviewed the ekit offer more thoroughly and this is what I found.

International Mobile Service
UK (probably Manx) number - but not explicitly stated on the page, free incoming in many countries, rates are lower than the above plan - more like Callblue.

Manx number, what does it mean. and is their a good callback service for that. Because CBW cost almost the same as diling direct.
Thanks. :help:

Przemolog 05-06-2006 22:50


Originally Posted by terra
Manx number, what does it mean. and is their a good callback service for that. Because CBW cost almost the same as diling direct.
Thanks. :help:

"Manx" means "pertaining to the Isle of Man" :)

Now seriously - look at or on the thread pinned on tiop of this section of the forum and you'll see the answer.
Among "international SIMs" there are many whose "home country" is the British crown dependcy - Isle of Man. I call them (in short form) "Manx SIMs". They have the country code +44 (like all UK numbers) but, to be more precise. their "full" prefix is +447624 (i.e. Manx mobile phones in the British numbering scheme). Their coverage is basically the same as the list of roaming partners of the local GSM operator Manx Telecom.

When you call +447624 from abroad (=not from UK ), you usually pay the same rate as the rate to other UK mobile phones. IF you find a callback service with a good rate to +44 mobiles, you'll have what you want. I can't recommend any...

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