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dohouch 24-04-2008 14:05

Yoigo, help stop constant reminers of cost and balance.
Hi and a nice morning in Salamance. Got me Yoigo tajeta last saturday after many attempts.
Not sure if I didn.t OK SMS reminders when installing setttings on Nokia N82. But been on to Yoigo, into Phone House, and through phone menus, but so far no way to stop them coing in after every phone usage.
Is there a way to stop them?

Was there a request to me when installing to OK receipt of these annoying reminders?

Any pointers as to how to progress here would be greatful


petkow 25-06-2008 12:40

Sorry about the late reply here. I have not been on the forum for a while. They are not SMS reminders but GSM service replies. They do not get saved, and do not influence your phone capacity in any way.

AFIK they cannot be switched off but are they really all that bad? I find them quite useful especially for data calls. Just dismiss them when you see them and they are lost forever!

dohouch 02-07-2008 12:40

Hi petkow,

Unstructured Supplementary Service Data

Nokia et all tell us we are not using phones but computers, being informed when I spend €00.01 or even when I have just used the Data Service and my balance has not been affected because I've already spent the dialy max which blocks the phone untill message is cancelled seems like a "super DUMB phone" to me.
I have GPS on the phone (N82) which uses small amounts of data and which I switch in and out occasioally and have to cancell these "DUMB" mesages seems just plain "DUMB" to me.

It should really be a choice from Yoigo whether I want to get them or not, and if need to check my balance then I can do it when I need to.

petkow 02-07-2008 17:42

I think if you want to tinker around with hidden service menus and registry settings you can disable all USSD's in there.

Though not related to this phone have a look at

dohouch 03-07-2008 15:30

They don't annoy me that much, that I would change phone, but seems that the Windows mobile registry (on XDA?) is accessible. Don't think that is the case with Symbian, at lest not easily. Will copy that link and post it to a Symbian forum and see if there is any way to do the same. Actually dead easy on Windows.
thanks for the research.

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